動画作成ツール「Google Vids」にAI音声でナレーションを付加する機能が追加/動画の雰囲気に合わせてさまざまなAI音声を選べる。ただし、現在は英語のみ対応

動画作成ツール「Google Vids」にAI音声でナレーションを付加する機能が追加/動画の雰囲気に合わせてさまざまなAI音声を選べる。ただし、現在は英語のみ対応
AAnd I've now ressurected my #gemini capsule, which is both available on ipv4 and ipv6 :)
-> capsule: gemini://gmni.etenil.net
-> git: https://git.etenil.net
#selfhosting #git #gemini_protocol
BTW: screw google for stealing our protocol name for their shitty AI product!
wait what?! #Gemini 2.0 Pro can view videos and listen to audio files? how didn't I know about this?!
I've got a #gemini and #gopher client (BFG) from https://luxferre.top working under Windows XP thanks to Iron TCL. So, legacy users can browse JS-less holes/capsules too.
Añadido Venix a la sección *NIX en mi cápsula #gemini Estación de sistemas:
Tak já si tu tak trochu vyvíjím aplikaci, napsanou v #rust . Teda já jí nevyvíjím. Já píšu prompty a využívám #gemini . Ale už jsme ve verzi 0.3.1 . Mimochodem, je to aplikace, co se mi spouští každý den ráno a zkontroluje, jestli na serveru nejsou aktualizace a pokud ano, pošle mi to e-mail. Taková ptákovina já vím.
Gemini 2.0 Flash Experimental has the ability to produce native audio in a variety of styles and languages - all from scratch.
另外一個有趣的點,本次活動有八場專題演講,每一場講座都使用「同樣規格」的資料頁面建置,皆設有獨立 Hackmd 頁面以及 Meta-wiki 頁面做獨立的講座資料收錄,並皆收錄有每一位講者的照片記錄,但在 #Gemini 以及 #Copilot 上的回答都僅列出特定幾場講座,不太確定整個收錄的標準是什麼。
列出這些觀察,供未來大家如果希望想要舉辦活動的話可以參照,最近有「明顯」感受到許多人的使用流程轉向使用 AI 工具,倘若也開始有人(我想國外應該不少)僅使用 AI 工具尋找想參加的活動,那我們也要開始注意活動的上架能不能讓 AI 找到相對應的資料;即便不是以行銷的概念來看,若以「留下紀錄」的角度來說:活動都已經舉辦完將近 15 天,活動資訊仍無法被完整收錄,那如何在「AI 搜尋的情境下」有效地為一個活動留下紀錄,變成了一個大哉問。
#GWB - Gemini: Viele neue und bestehende Funktionen sind jetzt kostenlos – was ist eigentlich Googles Konzept? - https://www.googlewatchblog.de/2025/03/gemini-viele-neue-und-bestehende-funktionen-sind-jetzt-kostenlos-was-ist-eigentlich-googles-konzept/ #Google #gemini
Google’s #Gemini can now view your screen live and chat with you about what it sees! Do you have this yet? I'm not sure when I'd find it useful, although I've seen comments from people saying they've used it to help build #lego kits, which makes sense! #GoogleGemini #android #samsung #chatgpt #ai #llm
What's wrong with AI these days?
I just wanted 500 words and both ChatGPT and Gemini failed to provide.
"Give me 500 unique words separated by space"
That was the prompt.
Tried multiple times, ChatGPT always gave less than 500 words, while Gemini doubled it for some reason and always gave more than 1000 words.
I mean come on... It's just 500 words guys..
296: Google Forces AI Protection Google and Apple are still behind when it comes to AI, which means delays and losses to other providers. Even Grok is doing better than Gemini right now. What gives? Join us for episode 296 of the Cloud Pod as we take a look at the growing disparity between AI providers - and what it means for users. #Grok #Gemini #thecloudpod https://www.thecloudpod.net/?p=21028
296: Google Forces AI Protection Google and Apple are still behind when it comes to AI, which means delays and losses to other providers. Even Grok is doing better than Gemini right now. What gives? Join us for episode 296 of the Cloud Pod as we take a look at the growing disparity between AI providers - and what it means for users. #Grok #Gemini #thecloudpod https://www.thecloudpod.net/?p=21028
#GWB - Gemini: Neue kostenlose Funktion bringt persönliches Fakten-Gedächtnis – so könnt ihr es optimal nutzen - https://www.googlewatchblog.de/2025/03/gemini-neue-kostenlose-funktion-bringt-persoenliches-fakten-gedaechtnis-so-koennt-ihr-es-optimal-nutzen/ #Google #gemini
Donald #Trump's approval #rating isn't as bad as people think as indicated by #poll data. I believe the key reason is that the effects of his insane #tariffs will not become apparent in the very short run. A more accurate picture of our economy will surface perhaps 3 to 6 months later when the old inventories (unaffected by Trump's tariffs) of wholesalers and retailers are completely depleted. I created this table using #gemini #AI
#GWB - Gemini: Viele neue Funktionen für den KI-ChatBot – steht NotebookLM schon wieder auf der Abschussliste? - https://www.googlewatchblog.de/2025/03/gemini-viele-neue-funktionen-fuer-den-ki-chatbot-steht-notebooklm-schon-wieder-auf-der-abschussliste/ #notebooklm #Google #gemini
#GWB - Google Assistant: Zahlreiche Funktionen werden jetzt eingestellt – Übergang zu Gemini wird holprig (Liste) - https://www.googlewatchblog.de/2025/03/google-assistant-zahlreiche-funktionen-werden-jetzt-eingestellt-uebergang-zu-gemini-wird-holprig-liste/ #googleassistant #schliessung #Google #gemini
Google rollt die Canvas-Funktion jetzt auch für mobile Geräte aus und verbessert gleichzeitig die Menüführung in der Gemini-App. Die neue Struktur wirkt durchdachter, aber die mobile Version bleibt funktional hinter dem Desktop zurück.
After a two-year hiatus, GRiZ is back and better than ever with his electrifying new EP, “GEMiNI.” The funkstep pioneer’s latest release is a dynamic, genre-blending experience that reaffirms his place at the forefront of electronic music.
D'ailleurs, si quelqu'un a une recommandation pour un client #gemini je prend :)