People are increasingly mistaking #glue for eye drops. Try not to do that. - eeek
For the #mARTch, #makersMARTch and #ArtYear theme of #Glue, I am going to experiment making some #DIYCompo traditional molding compound. Compo is famously used for 'composition molding' that you know if you have seen ornate antique picture frames, etc.. The 'glue' is gelatin hide glue. A thread1/
The other day realized that I was out of super-glue.
This evening I got #glue while I was out. I got "Loc-Tite Professional Liquid" super-glue at Michael's. I had used "Loc-Tite Ultra Control Gel" super-glue before, and I have to say, they weren't kidding about the "control" in that branding.
This new super-glue has 0 adjustment time while before I had at least a second of adjustment when parts came together. So I have to learn to be a bit more careful in my #miniatures assembly.
EN: Any recommendations for double sided tape? I need to re-attach part of a screen bezel on a #thinkpad #t490 !
EUS: Bi-aldeetako zelo zinta gomendiorik? Nire Thinkpad T490-ren pantailaren bordearen atal bat bir-itsatsi behar dut!
ES: Alguna recomendación para cinta de doble cara? Necesito re-pegar el marco de la pantalla de un Thinkpad T490!
New blog post! Have you ever seen a sadder Atari 2600? This Junior has been absorbing nature's fury for decades, on top of its heinous case damage. Still, they built them tough, and things aren't as bad as they seem.
A Little Pigment Helps with Laser Glass Engraving #titaniumdioxide #lasercutter #LaserHacks #engraving #glue #TiO2 #cnc #PVA
A Little Pigment Helps with Laser Glass Engraving - The range of materials suitable for even the cheapest laser cutter is part of what... - #titaniumdioxide #lasercutter #laserhacks #engraving #glue #tio2 #cnc #pva
#PSA my Lovely #Crafting Peeps!
(This includes you if you have ever so much as reattached a broken-off handle to a coffee mug!)
Have found A Useful Site (if you need it) & Lovely Rabbit Hole (if you don't):
A website of recommendations for gluing This To That (#fabric to #leather, #ceramic to #vinyl, #styrofoam to #rubber, etc.), plus a trivia page & funny FAQs.
Also available en français
artificial effect
#knit #knitting
#pine (human) deco
#tangled to the core? xD
#ornament #ornaments
Here are some of the glues I use and what I use them for!
E6000 - Good for most beadwork projects, but takes some time to dry.
Loctite Gel - I use this a lot for gluing centers and backings on applique projects. Dries fast but also hard, so I don't use it on the edges of a project where I need to stitch through.
ZAP-A-GAP - For gluing the ends of paracord bead-wrapping projects into end clasps.
G-S Hypo Cement - For precision gluing with the needle-tip applicator.
Amazing #glue from #jbweld:
Had a bit of trouble with the cure light not staying on. But the adhesive worked better than any superglue I've ever used (this is not saying much)
Their regular epoxy is pretty impressive too:
Just a happy customer!
The Fluid - Black Glove (2024 Remaster) [Official Video]
First glue up of the coffee table top. I’m doing it in 2 stages because I was a little worried about the Titebond ll Dark starting to setup as I fumbled with such a big (44” square) glue up. Shout out to the Rockler glue roller and the Bessy and Jorgensen parallel clamps and me for building an oversized outfeed/assembly table.
#maker #pghmaker #helloimakeis #wood #coffeetable #walnut #glue #clamp #woodworking #empireofdust
Why yes, I was using a small paintbrush to brush glue onto something and then absent mindedly put the paintbrush into my hair to make sure I didn't lose it.
Luckily it's cheap PVC glue and so relatively easy to wash out but ::sheesh::
This kind of ass-hattery is why I mostly only use PVC and only use stronger glues with requested supervision !