I have never seen the Democrats more powerless and complacent than they are right now. They're doing NOTHING and then they'll expect us to vote for them next election. Fuck off
@unclesam I don't think tyhey are.
I think they're acting in secret so DJT doesn't have anyone to pin resistence attitudes on.
Once in congress, maybe.
Grass roots ones? Not quite sure that's the case.
I guess I should have specified Congressional Dems, but I still would like to see more resistance across the board.
@unclesam They're working on it.
I'm on email lists for a lot of those. Sure they ask for funds weekly or so )Sometimes more than) but they actually tell you where they go.
Resistence across the board means that sometimes waiting is the name of the game, especially if dems want to be elected into power.
The attitude of some that things need to happen *now* doesn't help anyone, especially them if they want to continue fighting.
Unfortunately the instant grattification attittudes in the majority of younger generations isn't going to work with political things..
Right. They're playing the 'long game' I've heard that before, but other that AOC, I'm not seeing anyone speaking up.