This map is so mindblowing! I'm using parts as inspiration for level design
Perhaps handy for other 2D devs!
All gameplay features are done and now creating the world itself!
I really love the dark front layers, still a super long way to go but it's getting better and better!
@stux happy to keep pushing story elements into your levels - if you have a map / something with locations that need text I can start to fill those in if you like. It’s looking great btw (on iPhone 13 max). I did find a bug where I jumped off the ledge near the castle and fell for infinity
@Cacotopos yess please the HUB map is for dev
it was to quickly navigate between levels and such but ive removed it in the last build! I do need dialogue for the story for the NPCs that are currently in-game
Also perhaps an intro "cutscene", think im gonna keep it simple with text fading telling a quick few lines perhaps..
@stux yeah for sure. Well I’ll add stuff to the Google doc and you can copy paste and change what you like. I’m back in Australia so my keyboard is Engels again
@Cacotopos Awesomeee thank you!
Currently the NPCs can have 3 lines of dialogue boxes but i can add more i guess
@stux oh that is a good config setup
@Cacotopos This way NPCs can also be portals or dungeon entrances for example by opening a dungeon map or whatever
@stux yeah nice so like keys effectively. I’ll use the map link to guide my text placement stuff and PM you with any questions
@stux oh whoops that’s Hollow Knight map
@Cacotopos Oh maybe also handy!
Throught the game, the player can collect gems or diamonds or whatever to perm increase stats, these can be collected once
This is aside from the souls collection and skills (missles 1 & 3 and double jump)