For anyone who doesn't know Aaron, I really recommend watching this docu about him
And yes, at this point i don't care anymore if this docu is legal or illegal on YT
@stux I'm fairly sure it's okay. It's been there on various channels for a long time. It's also prly more important to have the story told than to optimize monetization.
It is also available on Peertube -
@stux I'm certainly going to check that out!!
@stux Thanks! I'd never seen that. This particular link has some audio censorship shenanigans due to the mention of "suicide" toward the end, but I was able to find another YT link that doesn't edit it out.
it's free to download from the internet archive
@stux never heard of that story but I’ll definitely check this out , thanks !
"He walked by the White House and said 'They don't let felons work there'.
Zuckerberg should in prison for what he steals.
@stux So sad
Thank you for that! I didn't know him or his story before.
This version is better, because the sound of the other one gets cut off at the last 10 min or so.
the license of the movie is:
Creative Commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
which makes sense i guess This was so beautiful, thank you.
btw The audio on that link seems to break at 1 hour 30 mins in. This link's audio seems to be fixed It's also on I've found other places with it (unless there's more than one and this is a different one than I've found). I'm not sure it would be "illegal". It's one of those situations that if you honour a request, you've technically not broken the law, and... If you want to "determine" if it is legal or not, it has to go to court.