I want a #Blackberry again. #RIM... Listen, everyone is buying Canadian, can we bring it back? I'd kill for a physical keyboard or even the track ball. BB messenger? I want it all back.
@mothdust I wish. I was ruminating about BB last week. Although I never owned one (they were out of my $reach at the time) I loved the fact that people like me JUMPED on BB. FINALLY! A communicator us Deafies could use!
Alas, I don't think it will happen. RIM is shuttered, it's BB now & they do Enterprise software and some embedded stuff. They sold off all of their mobile patents (I believe); no hardware (last new units were a partnership with TCL) so they've got nothing to work with.
@darrenmorin @mothdust yea, they had a go at Android, but it didn't stick.
I had a Blackberry Dtek 50 and quite liked the device.
@Jam123 @darrenmorin I remember people reported not being a fan. I opted not to partake because I loved BB as it was