I want a #Blackberry again. #RIM... Listen, everyone is buying Canadian, can we bring it back? I'd kill for a physical keyboard or even the track ball. BB messenger? I want it all back.
They killed blackberry on purpose, coordinated, because it wasn't just encrypted they didn't store ANYTHING, so nothing could be stolen in a datagrab.
RIM was destroyed.
@mothdust I was never a BB fan (but I did own a playbook and that Android phone with a keyboard...) because I was a Palm fanboy...
But we can both agree that physical keyboards are far superior, and I miss them!!!!
@minego @StillIRise1963 that "tippy tap" of texting...
@mothdust I miss it!
My favorite phone ever was my HP veer, running webos.
It was amazing, and tiny but I could type so fucking fast on it!
@minego @mothdust @StillIRise1963 Graffiti beats the tippytap on-screen keyboard hands down.
@mothdust My favorite phone was a Blackberry with a physical keyboard. I really miss having a physical keyboard.
@jensilber the option for a physical keyboard was amazing and if I had the option today, I'd pick it every time. Idc if the risk of failure is higher. I'll assume it.
I miss it so much :'(
@mothdust I wish. I was ruminating about BB last week. Although I never owned one (they were out of my $reach at the time) I loved the fact that people like me JUMPED on BB. FINALLY! A communicator us Deafies could use!
Alas, I don't think it will happen. RIM is shuttered, it's BB now & they do Enterprise software and some embedded stuff. They sold off all of their mobile patents (I believe); no hardware (last new units were a partnership with TCL) so they've got nothing to work with.
@darrenmorin @mothdust yea, they had a go at Android, but it didn't stick.
I had a Blackberry Dtek 50 and quite liked the device.
@darrenmorin @mothdust Oh, I remember hearing about that addon. I've since gotten accustomed to a touch screen, but there are times I miss the physical keyboard
@darrenmorin @Jam123 I have friends who switch their keyboards to continue T9! we likes what we likes
@Jam123 @darrenmorin I remember people reported not being a fan. I opted not to partake because I loved BB as it was
@mothdust Still have one sitting in a drawer - just can't chuck it out
@CodieneC just so hard to let go!!
@mothdust A person could send a coherent email on that keyboard.
@mothdust Yes, please! My last one was a KeyOne (fell in the water). Now I survive with a Titan Pocket (closest functioning thing available). And still mourning my Bold 9900...
@miguelmaiquez bold was a good line
@mothdust None of those old BB features appeal to me at all.
Y'all know what you had with Blackberry 10??
You had a QNX Neutrino-based OS that could probably fend off 99.9% of the attacks that companies like Celebrite and NSO Group use successfully against iPhones.
@tasket never been a big iOS fan