As the #Trump regime deletes the bio of Gen. Colin Powell and the story of the 6888th Central Battalion (the 1st all black women battalion) from the Arlington Cemetery website and bans #Books about #blackhistory from being discussed in presidential #libraries it seems like a good time to talk about how to just exist in #america as a black person is a political act.
#BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #bookstodon
I’m an old white guy, originally from the New England area. Growing up everyone around me was white and everyone they knew were also white. And yet they felt complete authority to speak of other races and people with hatred and condescension. I left NE and travelled the US extensively. At one point I was working with a religious outreach and we would do “fundraising” events. Many times I would be paired with an African American man who was approximately the same age as me. I cannot count the number of times he was arrested and I was not. He would tell me of the times, when walking by a car, the white person inside would suddenly feel compelled to lock their doors.He taught me so much about the reality of life in America as a minority. But what always amazed me was the fact he never gave up.
Your article was a difficult read. Not because it was untrue, but quite the opposite. I cannot begin to fathom what it is like to live this life. Over the years I changed and I projected out to the greater society that it had changed too. Sadly that is not true.
@castelot For a time I too thought things were…well, if not exactly changing at the very least moving in the right direction. Like you, I was being overly optimistic.
But while researching The Great Mann I came across a quote of one of the historical figures I feature in the novel, Ethel Waters, a black singer & actress. Speaking about our race she said,
“Ours is the greatest dignity known to man. The dignity of the undefeated.”
Thankfully, that still holds true.
I would like to read/purchase your book. Tell me, as an author, would you prefer people by the physical book? I ask this not to pry but I would like to put the most money in your pocket vs the publisher and/or platform.
@castelot That is so incredibly kind of you! Generally speaking, physical books are a little bit better but not so much so that you shouldn’t get an ebook instead if that’s your preference
Again, thank you for your support