@housepanther@mstdn.goblackcat.com @Radical_EgoCom@kolektiva.social @TomSwirly
Which is very unlikely to ever happen because that's not working for anything but underdeveloped nations that mostly earn money through selling resources.
See Niger, Saudi-Arabia, Iran, Russia, ...
For example the #USA - despite the massive antisocial grifting - is way too high developed to make that gamble worth a shot for the military.
@housepanther@mstdn.goblackcat.com @Radical_EgoCom@kolektiva.social @TomSwirly For example, #Trump's #coup failed because he failed to swing #Key supporters to his side...
@housepanther@mstdn.goblackcat.com @Radical_EgoCom@kolektiva.social @TomSwirly
Not because people in the #USA are #antifacist or something, but because #Trump pissed off the #MilitaryIndustrialComplex with his bs takes:
@housepanther@mstdn.goblackcat.com @Radical_EgoCom@kolektiva.social @TomSwirly
Same as with #Twitter: #ElonMusk intended to #destroy it from Day 1!
@housepanther@mstdn.goblackcat.com @Radical_EgoCom@kolektiva.social @TomSwirly
Same with other things:
Most people oppose #Coups and #Revolutions not because they are disgusted by #violence, but because it reduces their personal & individual #QualityOfLife!
@housepanther@mstdn.goblackcat.com @Radical_EgoCom@kolektiva.social @TomSwirly
Unlike some #OilMonarchy or #Oligarchy, the #USA does not have the amount of #NaturalResource to export to not cause a coup government not die amidst the then sharp decline in quality of living.
@housepanther@mstdn.goblackcat.com @Radical_EgoCom@kolektiva.social @TomSwirly
Now you may point at #NorthKorea which had significant #Famine and #Deindustralization with the post-Soviet collapse, but aside from a basically brainwashed populace that is paranoid af and kept in line with the threat of public executions at the slightest discontent, #Korea was mostly used as a sucerene Province for either the Mongols, China, Japan or the "P.R.C." & USSR...
So basically noone remembers that it was different or they STFU to survive.
@housepanther@mstdn.goblackcat.com @Radical_EgoCom@kolektiva.social @TomSwirly
Similar with #Cuba, just that in it's case the Quality of Life did rose since the Revolution because it was artificially held low by the Batista Regime...
@housepanther@mstdn.goblackcat.com @Radical_EgoCom@kolektiva.social @TomSwirly
And that's how things are...
@housepanther@mstdn.goblackcat.com @Radical_EgoCom@kolektiva.social @TomSwirly
Case in point: #Trump's #Coup at #Jan6 failed because he didn't sway key supporters.
All his fans could do is vandalism and incriminate themselves.
Unlike #Biden who has yet to get shit back to the level of #Obama's end of second term...
@housepanther@mstdn.goblackcat.com @Radical_EgoCom@kolektiva.social @TomSwirly The #USA - like #Singapore - is #stable because it would only destroy #wealth of the average #wageworker...
@housepanther@mstdn.goblackcat.com @Radical_EgoCom@kolektiva.social @TomSwirly
And in case of the #USA and espechally #Trump, the math said no!
@housepanther@mstdn.goblackcat.com @Radical_EgoCom@kolektiva.social @TomSwirly
Because as of now, the quality of life is not bad enough for the average person to want to gamble on this...
@housepanther@mstdn.goblackcat.com @Radical_EgoCom@kolektiva.social @TomSwirly
... and even less for the #Keys in #Power: