"Flow" won an Academy Award for best animation film last night. Beating out other great studio efforts, expensive big big studio films.
In accepting the award, the makers thanked Blender. Blender is the software the film was created on.
Blender is free. Blender is another free and open software project.
You can use it. Make a film, win an Oscar. They did. You don't even have to thank Blender, but it sure was nice to hear it on the Oscars Stage, winning.
@kevinrns While you don't have to thank the teams at the thousands of Free Open Source Software projects, people should consider donating. All of the projects have bills to pay. Likewise, folks should donate to the Mastodon instance they use. I make a habit of donating to the FOSS projects I use at the end of every year. To paraphrase Richard Stallman, FOSS is free as in freedom and not necessary free as in beer.