"Flow" won an Academy Award for best animation film last night. Beating out other great studio efforts, expensive big big studio films.
In accepting the award, the makers thanked Blender. Blender is the software the film was created on.
Blender is free. Blender is another free and open software project.
You can use it. Make a film, win an Oscar. They did. You don't even have to thank Blender, but it sure was nice to hear it on the Oscars Stage, winning.
@kevinrns Do not forget that the team behind the animation didn't use the high quality rendering engine (Cycles) since they didn't have access to a render farm. Instead they used the new, almost real-time engine which is not that high quality, but extremely fast.
IOW, the whole movie is rendered on a single workstation!
This makes the award 10x more important and Blender 10x more awesome, if you ask me.
@kevinrns@mstdn.social it was also funded by Warner Bros for $5 million and killed other movies for profit. This is not something to celebrate. #blender #flow #movie
What could you possibly be talking about?
And flow, made in Lativia , cost about 4 million to make.
Its a great reason to celebrate, every step of its journey a delight.
And Warner was not involved, and finally:
"No Films were killed in the making of this Animation."
No Cats either.
Another article celebrating the great project, great software, great film.
@kevinrns While you don't have to thank the teams at the thousands of Free Open Source Software projects, people should consider donating. All of the projects have bills to pay. Likewise, folks should donate to the Mastodon instance they use. I make a habit of donating to the FOSS projects I use at the end of every year. To paraphrase Richard Stallman, FOSS is free as in freedom and not necessary free as in beer.
Is there a link to the movie?
Just in Theatres for now.
Ok, thanks!
There is a Blender you-tube channel, and its filled with cool stuff, job stuff, learning stuff announcements demos vids
Artists should know Blender is NOT A TOY, the constantly improving Blender is top professional grade software.
One neat thing about Blender being free, is you can give it to a young person to begin exploring, and they can grow up learning, become proficient. There are ecosystems of learning for Blender.
Its POWERFUL, and useful for designing building games, 2D art, animated videos.
go see http://blender.org
I responded when you made this post with lots of good words, but I didnt say thank you for doing this, finding the quote, the video, the edit the post.
@kevinrns it all helps get the word out that Blender is good :)
@kevinrns Blender was great fun to play with, increases my admiration. POVRay consumed a couple years of free time ~25 years ago.
3D pic by Giles Tran. Probably < than two pages of code.