Gonna say another #unpopularopinion : #racism / #ableism / #misogyny / #anti-LGBTQIA+ hate on the #fediverse are serious problem (as they are everywhere, though that is no excuse). However, screaming "prejudice by [marginalized group] against [less marginalized or dominant group] doesn't exist!" isn't going to help.
#Prejudice, #discrimination, and #stereotypes can (and do) happen based on our brains, our experiences, & our social structures.
Having a #marginalized identity doesn't magically prevent one from having generalized negative views of other groups, or of treating people from those groups badly due to those views instead of seeing them as individuals.
This doesn't mean we treat those things the same. Dominant → marginalized prejudice is worse. Lots worse. Eliminating those effects will make the world better, and is where we should put our #SocialJustice efforts. "Punching down" does far more harm than "punching up."
Pretending #prejudice, #discrimination, and #stereotypes somehow simply cannot exist in certain situations doesn't help. Pretending that can't cause harm doesn't help. Denying realities doesn't solve problems.
The meta-problem (I think) is that the people claiming "reverse racism" etc. often have an anti-equality agenda. That agenda should be resisted.
Maybe, instead of saying something factually wrong like "Black people can't be racist toward white people" or "misandry doesn't exist," we can identify what's happening and try to (a) contextualize it and (b) identify the type and scale of harm it is likely to cause.
A Hispanic person expressing stereotypes about an Anglo person could cause harm and is shitty. The reverse probably causes more 1-on-1 harm, is much more shitty, and perpetuates structural problems. The latter is much worse.