Hey there people, need some help...
I'm having technical problems with the websites that accompany my Fedi accounts.
My hosting company is saying that there's some kind of attack going on, but I'm not sure if their suggestions are helpful.
If you're experienced with WordPress and hosting issues, could you message me?
UPDATE: Looks like sites are working okay, thank you to everyone who got in touch!
Will keep an eye on things and look at the suggestions people messaged, but for the moment the sites should be working normally.
@feditips I'm late to this party... would having a static site with something like Hugo instead of a WordPress-driven site have helped?
Have thought about static as my sites are basically just text guides, but it would need some kind of database for searches and tagging.
Tagging is built into most static site generators. Searching is not. People can use their favorite search engine to search your site only, but if you want to offer full-text search on your own server, that doesn't drop out of the box of a static site generator.