If you want to, you can set Mastodon to automatically delete your posts after a certain time period.
1. Log in through your server's website
2. Go to
3. Tick box marked "automatically delete old posts" and choose time period after which posts will be deleted
4. Choose exceptions (which posts to keep even if they are older than the time period)
5. If you are sure, click "Save changes"
If you change your mind, untick the box and click "Save Changes".
p.s. If you've had trouble with auto-delete not deleting stuff over the last couple of months, please try deactivating it, waiting a while and then re-activating it later. The unprecedentedly massive surge of new members in October/November/December may have prevented this feature working properly on some servers.
@feditips TL;DR have you tried switching it off and on again? ;)
@feditips thanks for this!
@feditips sounds like a feature Elon could def use
@feditips Ei, sorry, just a question on this.
That this affect to boosts? Or if I automatically delete my toots my timeline will be just all my boosts to other people toots?
thank you!
@feditips Thank you!