There is so much wrong with this statement by Health & Human Services (HHS) Secretary RFK Jr.
1) Autism isn’t a chronic disease. It isn’t even a disease.
2) Autism doesn’t lead to someone potentially developing fatal encephalitis (brain swelling) or pneumonia.
3) Autism doesn’t require urgent medical hospitalization (which measles can) & stress the healthcare system.
3) Autism doesn’t spread from person-to-person in the air.
Also, per the CDC, there have been 2 probable #measles deaths in the #USA this year.
Per the NIH, “measles outbreaks are increasingly occurring” in the #USA and “measles cases have considerable morbidity requiring hospitalization.”
~ Inpatient morbidity and mortality of measles in the United States ~
(from 2020)
It’s true that the measles generally has a low mortality rate in the #USA, but that doesn’t mean it is something to fool around with.
The effect of disease is more than mortality (death). It’s about morbidity (illness, chronic illness) too.
And the #measles can make someone VERY ill.
~ Measles rarely kills in the US – but when it does, here’s how ~
(from 2019)
Again, it’s not all about the potential of measles to cause death. The disease has significant morbidity risk as well.
Complications from #measles can lead to permanent blindness, deafness, or intellectual disability (all of which affect someone for life).
So it’s a false comparison.
Here are screenshots of the article if you want to check it out.
#PublicHealth #health #measles #autism #rfkjr
~ Without Offering Proof, Kennedy Links Measles Outbreak to Poor Diet and Health ~
(more article screenshots)
#PublicHealth #health #measles #autism #rfkjr
~ Without Offering Proof, Kennedy Links Measles Outbreak to Poor Diet and Health ~
(more article screenshots)
#PublicHealth #health #measles #autism #rfkjr
~ Without Offering Proof, Kennedy Links Measles Outbreak to Poor Diet and Health ~
(end of article screenshots)
#PublicHealth #health #measles #autism #rfkjr
~ Without Offering Proof, Kennedy Links Measles Outbreak to Poor Diet and Health ~
That worm must be really getting in there because this is the most ridiculous sudo science shit I've ever heard
@Sup3rN0va Hear, hear!
@dalfen let me guess - he's going to endorse a proprietary wonder supplement powder drink
@dalfen Interesting that they changed the headline. The one you have seems more honest, in my opinion.
@maxlsilver Oh that is interesting
I’m glad I took screenshots!
@dalfen Is he even aware that Autism is a spectrum and that many people with Autism are perfectly functional?
@soulexpress Great point. I have been wondering the same thing. My guess is that he knows very little about autism like he knows very little about measles.
@dalfen @hannu_ikonen first, I do agree Kennedy is totally off base. However, I’m going to disagree with the idea that autism doesn’t stress the healthcare system. My own son’s hospitalization cost $6K/day for the 3.5 weeks he was in the ICU after he ate enough plastic over an extended period to cause two bezoars. Rehab was another $350 a day. (Edit: rehab was 650/day.)
Your son isnt representative of all facets of a spectrum of variant development, first.
And, yeah, what you just said is exactly the justification Canada & other neoliberal governments use to prevent my immigration.
@hannu_ikonen @dalfen I never said he was representative of the full range. But, boy, does he skew the average.
@hannu_ikonen @dalfen and I totally agree with you about the immigration piece.
@dalfen @hannu_ikonen
Could it have been avoided with better staffing in the group home? Possibly, but it would’ve required a more intensive staffing pattern. Half of the staffing costs in the group home are covered by Medicaid. So either way, it stresses the healthcare system. Do I think he deserves the care? Yes, but I’m not going to say it doesn’t stress the healthcare system.
@dalfen @hannu_ikonen I’d like to see us put dollars into staff training, but Medicaid won’t reimburse for time not spent with the client. So instead we pay the ICU.
@ccampboyle It is very concerning if the group home staff is unaware / uneducated about potential challenges their autistic residents might face. With that knowledge, they could develop ways to keep their residents safe and engaged with the residential community. I’m sorry you have had such a horrible experience
How is your son now?
@dalfen @hannu_ikonen thanks for asking. He is doing very well — fully recovered. The hospital suggested palliative care twice while he was in ICU and I was hell, no.
The big problem with the group homes is that the only requirements to be hired are a driver’s license, a GED, and a clean criminal record. The only training requirements are first aid, CPR, fire safety, and med administration. No disability specific training at all.
@dalfen @hannu_ikonen in theory, his house was highly staffed, as everyone was 1:1 during awake hours. But the second a staff person has to go to the bathroom, cook dinner, or prep meds, it’s not 1:1.
He needed to be eyes on at all times. The house knew it, and had requested a higher staffing pattern (as had I), but the state refused, until this happened.
@ccampboyle So is the house better staffed now?
@dalfen @hannu_ikonen yes. There’s an extra person on hand during awake hours. Plus staff have finally each gotten 40 hours of training. They also got a pay raise. But it takes something like this (plus a lot of pressure from me moving up the chain of command) for the state to act.
@ccampboyle Ugh, yes, but I’m so happy to read that the state finally took action!
This makes me think about the conditions in group homes around the country and whether staff receive disability training.
@ccampboyle I am very happy to read that he is doing well and has recovered
That’s a shame that there is no disability training at the group home. It shouldn’t be that way.
@ccampboyle Again, I’m sorry to read that happened
I have children on the Spectrum and dear friends who take care of their adult autistic children, so I understand how challenging and scary it can be.
While some people on the Spectrum need more therapeutic intervention than others (and can develop medical problems when unintended things happen, like unfortunately happened w/ your son), I was referring to known medical complications of measles in my thread.
@ccampboyle Oh I’m sorry to read that
The point I was making is that there are known potentially fatal, medical complications of measles like encephalitis, whereas the complications/effects of autism vary (thus, it is considered to be a spectrum). Some people on the autism spectrum need little to no therapeutic intervention or intervention mainly in childhood.
@dalfen @hannu_ikonen understood and recognized. But adults like my son are frequently almost invisible in discussions. I commented not to take away from your larger point (which I agree with), but to make a caveat: that to adequately meet the needs of autistics we need to recognize that those needs exist.
@ccampboyle I absolutely 110% believe in meeting those needs, and of the needs of their caregivers.
In fact, one of my grad theses was about how important it is to meet those needs
Also it's not "2 measles deaths in 20 years" it's "2 measles deaths in about a month when I stopped doctors from tracking it effectively after none in 20 years"
As if that asshole cares about us anyway. He'd gladly eradicate us.
@dalfen I'd make number 3 number 1 but ... seriously. Seirous.y.
@dalfen Two words: survivorship bias.
Oh, we only had two deaths in 20 years? Maybe that's because we had extremely high levels of public vaccination.
Oh, we have 100,000 autism diagnoses every year? Maybe that's because 1) it's become more socially acceptable to seek diagnosis for one's children or oneself, and 2) it's become less socially acceptable to treat people with autism as if they are subhuman or carriers of genetic impurity.
Just a thought.