Welcome to our January 5th #BikeNite, the first of 2024! Thank you for joining, and I hope we all enjoy chatting about cycle stuff! Feel free to answer whenever at your convenience. Anyone can join, now or later. Reply to what you like, and boost for visibility.
We'll start out with our introduction, and a question via @xtaran:
Q1. Where are you posting from today? Did you make any cycle-related New Year's resolutions?
A1. Lawton Ft. Sill, Oklahoma
Realized I've resolved to kind of retire from bicycle education. Where I am the streets are horrible for everyone, and the ones who are bicycling here seem to already know best practices.
Feel I did my part unofficially for 18 years, and officially for 10. I am very pleased with the new direction League of American Bicyclists is going and I'm still the old fuddy-duddy who helped make the way. Time for new voices and techniques.
@cainmark How low is your LCI#?! Thank you for doing all of that teaching.