I’m doing Camp NaNoWriMo this month as extra incentive to complete a micropoetry collection. My word count goal is rather modest this time as other writing priorities take precedence but that’s the great thing about Camp NaNo; you can tailor it to meet your writing goals.
@authorclirwin Enjoy & happy writing!
@raiaren Thank you! Have you ever done NaNo before?
@authorclirwin No, I haven't. I intended to last fall, but it didn't work out. I really want to one of these times! I love the #nanowrimo community
@raiaren It's lots of fun! While regular NaNo (in November) is more formalized in its 50K-minimum word count goal, Camp NaNo (in April & July) is way more freeform & laid-back (i.e., you set your own goals, whether it's by word count, hours, or some other metric of your choosing), although some writers still do the "NaNo rebel" thing during regular NaNo as well.
@raiaren The old website had the option to track progress in either word count or hours although the current setup only allows word-count tracking. (Hour-tracking is a much-requested feature, so hopefully, they'll fix that at some point in the future.)
Camp NaNo is a great entry point for first-timers since you can set your own goals & pick any format you like (novel, poetry, screenplay, short story, nonfiction, or anything really, even worldbuilding bibles, journals, research, etc.).
@raiaren First-timers, as in "first-time NaNo-ers." I know you've written and published novels before.