I’m doing Camp NaNoWriMo this month as extra incentive to complete a micropoetry collection. My word count goal is rather modest this time as other writing priorities take precedence but that’s the great thing about Camp NaNo; you can tailor it to meet your writing goals.
April is NaPoWriMo, NaPoMo, & Camp NaNoWriMo. Learn more about these writing events here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Poetry_Writing_Month https://napowrimo.net/about
https://poets.org/national-poetry-month https://wikiwrimo.org/wiki/Camp_NaNoWriMo https://nanowrimo.org/what-is-camp-nanowrimo
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All this month, you'll be seeing "plenty o' poetry" from me here, that is, if 1 haiku/day for 30 days could be considered bountiful. Then again, quantity is an irrelevant micropoetry metric. When one works with just a few words, "quality over quantity" becomes the poetic equivalent of concentrated laundry detergent.
#haiku #micropoetry #poetry #poetrycommunity #writingcommunity #writing #writinglife #writerslife #writersofmastodon #writer #poet #poetsofmastodon #authorsofmastodon #author
Ironically, what got me across the NaPoWriMo finish line was NOT sharing poetry here for the remainder of the month. In other words, writing poetry with the intent to share it was useful until it wasn't. A few weeks in, the poetry stopped flowing & I knew the solution was to write poetry just to write it, without any pressure whatsoever. I generally prefer to write like no one's going to read it, which just helps get the raw material onto the page. Revision comes later.
@authorclirwin Enjoy & happy writing!
@raiaren Thank you! Have you ever done NaNo before?
@authorclirwin No, I haven't. I intended to last fall, but it didn't work out. I really want to one of these times! I love the #nanowrimo community
@raiaren It's lots of fun! While regular NaNo (in November) is more formalized in its 50K-minimum word count goal, Camp NaNo (in April & July) is way more freeform & laid-back (i.e., you set your own goals, whether it's by word count, hours, or some other metric of your choosing), although some writers still do the "NaNo rebel" thing during regular NaNo as well.
@raiaren The old website had the option to track progress in either word count or hours although the current setup only allows word-count tracking. (Hour-tracking is a much-requested feature, so hopefully, they'll fix that at some point in the future.)
Camp NaNo is a great entry point for first-timers since you can set your own goals & pick any format you like (novel, poetry, screenplay, short story, nonfiction, or anything really, even worldbuilding bibles, journals, research, etc.).
@raiaren Some students even use the event to write research papers or complete their theses.
Many novelists also begin NaNo prep a month or two in advance of the event so that they're prepared to dig right into the writing portion.
I'm sure you probably already know a lot of this info. I used to be an ML (municipal liaison), so if you have any NaNo-related questions, whether now or in the future, just let me know!
@authorclirwin Awww, that's so kind of you!
This is great info, thank you! I know it's a very helpful community & process. I'm trying to get my writing "rhythm" back, so I sincerely appreciate this
@raiaren Sure, you're most welcome. Thanks! Glad you found the info to be helpful. I wish you lots of success getting back into the groove of writing again!
@authorclirwin Thank you so much!
@raiaren First-timers, as in "first-time NaNo-ers." I know you've written and published novels before.
Good luck and have fun!
@MikeDunnAuthor Thank you! Have you ever participated in NaNo before?
@authorclirwin once. It was fun