I attended a workshop in Berlin today. Right in front of the building, as all across Berlin, and as in cities throughout Germany: three "stumbling stone" memorials, embedded into the pavement, marking where only 80 years ago fellow citizens lived, first oppressed, then deported on a day in March, then killed in Auschwitz.
And we're seriously debating hard right politics as if it were an option? Heaping disdain on migrants because of their plights and hopes?
@W_Lucht I remember there were a few of those bronze plates in my neighborhood in Brussels.
They are all over Europe - and they do give us pause to think why they are there: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stolperstein
There seems to be no region containing humans that doesn't share this continual cyclic struggle. It's maddening and so wasteful of human potential.
I’ve seen those street plaques. I wonder if they fill the streets of Palestine with them, when this is over.
@LALegault @W_Lucht the German approach to genocide: feel good about it afterwards by having some volunteers instals small, inobstrusive plaques. Also, these presuppose no apartheid before the act of murder, and some surviving infrastructure, which is not the case in Palestine
@W_Lucht @spiegelmama When I visited Dachau, I ended up going through much of the mostly-chronologically-organized museum on-site backwards. So I started with the result and finished up with the early rumblings in the press. It left an impression.
@W_Lucht Not to mention selling arms to Israel so they can carry out their own genocide as we speak.
Really Pisses me off that Musk is
Financing the "AFD" party of right wingnuts in Germany...they are poised to win. NAZI Germany reborn???