Wealth of Elon Musk
2012: $2,000,000,000
2024: $273,000,000,000
Wealth of Jeff Bezos
2012: $18,400,000,000
2024: $207,100,000,000
Wealth of Mark Zuckerberg
2012: $17,500,000,000
2024: $200,000,000,000
Federal Minimum Wage
2012: $7.25
2024: $7.25
Three words: tax the rich.
@Strandjunker How did someone manage to invent a "federal minimum wage" and at the same time fail to index link it in the obvious way? Were they deliberately setting it up to fail?
@TimWardCam @Strandjunker there would likely be pushback by the obvious suspects to indexing to inflation, but I think it'd be great to index it to congressional pay (or perhaps congressional staff pay). So many of the ones who'd object to it rising automatically would also *never* consider turning down a raise for themselves.
@fencepost @TimWardCam @Strandjunker ooh, that's an interesting thought.
How about this variant: minimum wage is 1% of the highest earner's wage or owner's income of whatever company or organization work for, whichever is greater.
It would have a floor of current minimum wage, so won't kick in until the top income is >$1,500,000/yr.
I first wrote 10%, but I like the symmetry of "Ok you can be a one percenter but it's going to cost you 1%", #1p_for_1p
@TimWardCam@c.If they could get away with it there wouldn't even be a minimum wage just flat out slavery where workers live on the job sites.But who knows what's coming if they get their greed king back in there.
@TimWardCam @Strandjunker they didn't. Reagan did his best to wreck it.
@TimWardCam @Strandjunker signs point to yes! more evidence: Congress pensions are indexed to inflation
@Strandjunker Four words: massively tax the rich.
It needs to stop…
@Strandjunker it doesn't matter how much they are taxed. they will have their outs. those outs should be eliminated, and the tax system should be made more fair. the realistic tax for middle class is around 40% while listed is 35% but they actually pay around 15% or less. getting rid of loopholes will raise billions or more without changing that tax rate and reduce complications for everyone.
@Strandjunker Agreed! And yet when people try to organise a European Citizen's Initiative called 'Tax the rich' it only receives 349.674 out of the 1.000.000 needed signatures: https://www.tax-the-rich.eu/ .
So either:
1) People agree on taxing the rich, but don't care enough about changing it to become politically active
2) Those who find this topic important don't know how to bring together people and movements along a common goal.
@erikkemp - You can't use a system that is owned by the rich to constrain the activities of its owners.
The pandemic showed us what to do. If even a significant fraction of us were to simply stop working for even a couple of weeks, their system would hemorrhage trillions of dollars.
@Strandjunker Kinda begs the question, What is the end point of this progression, if not addressed in some way?
@dana @Strandjunker Ultimately? The concentration of all wealth everywhere into the hands of the bare minimum required for there to still be an economy.
@Strandjunker 4000 Minimum wage, three words too, and also set maximum wage, 3 word they hate more than tax, because taxes are so easy to avoid, bahamas is right on the corner.
@Strandjunker And yet the billionaires say the working class are the stupid ones for borrowing money.
Welcome to the 1700s!
But don’t worry, your children can work for minimum wage too!
@Strandjunker Better yet, prevent the rich.
@MichaelPorter @Strandjunker Good point. Although fair, its bad optics to take away money the rich "earned". People get nervous about their own savings.
Transfotming the system so a few cannot earn that much, but a majority earns more, would be more popular. Raising the minimum wage by A LOT would be a good start. Democratizing the workplace next, finish up by Socializing the means of production. Easy peasy.
@dacig @Strandjunker Piece of cake
We’re just fighting the Golden Rule… “Those with the gold, make the rules.”
@terag1e @Strandjunker Indeed. In Netherlands, the Minimum wage per hour
2012: € 8.35
2024: € 13.68
It’s still not much, but at least it gives you a change at living
@Strandjunker @onepict tax wealth.
Tax individual wealth. Tax corporate wealth. Tax anything that isn't creating jobs or cycling money back into the economy.
(remember when companies had massive R&D departments inventing cool stuff and employing people, just to offset corporate tax? Let's have more of that)
@ShredderFeeder @Strandjunker My stomach wouldn't cope with it.
@Strandjunker Do you have a source for those numbers?
@Strandjunker If anyone 'wonders' why we are all heading towards a WWIII... #justsaying
@Strandjunker yeh. Hard to believe they did something exceptional or work harder when you put it that way. And anyway, capitalism works best when the poor have money
Had they not had that wealth and used that wealth, we would not have:
EVs like Tesla, SpaceX, Boring Co, . remember that the Left LOVED Electric cars and Tesla.
we wouldn't have Amazon or Whole Foods
we wouldn't have Facebook, VR, Istagram or Whatsapp
The 3 men combined, employ almost 2 million people that get much more than minimum wage.
Their wealth is tied into the companies they have created. If that wealth were removed, the companies would suffer as well.
I'm also a fan of marrying & divorcing the rich.
Very grateful to MacKenzie Scott for her humanity and philanthropy.
@crecente @Strandjunker they were not rich when they married.
... okay, instead:
If you happen to find yourself already married to somebody who is asset-rich but humanity-broken, divorce them.
Unfortunately, this seems a more likely strategy for equitable wealth distribution than genuine tax reform.
Song: Tax the Rich!
The politicians say there's not enough to go around
So they're laying off the teachers, and the schools are shutting down
Will our children live as serfs, suited only for their chains?
If we love them, we had better use our brains
With government turned upside-down, the money flows uphill
And it makes its tired journey there against the common will
Now we need that money back, and our lives are on the line...
@Strandjunker @caseyliss Tax them back to the Stone Age!
I'll have to order a Beer from Amazon first...
Imagine spending that money locally....
@Strandjunker yes, thank you.
@Strandjunker Thank you for putting out this data.
@Strandjunker it's your fault that you're poor. Nobody else.
Taxing anyone doesn't make you more happy. ;-)
Hug yourself, love your family & friends and be thankful not to be stuck in a war-zone or alike.
Being thankful for what YOU have, makes you free.
@Strandjunker People who work for the rich won't tax the rich.
@Strandjunker Between the three of them, they could give half a million people 1 million dollars each and still have billions.
Except none of that money actually exists. It's all in stocks, many of which are probably just numbers that have been sold and loaned out a billion times in the last second alone...concurrently.
@Strandjunker Vote buying is expensive.
... or put the means of production into working-class hands.
Not too hard. Get it right, Andrea!
@Strandjunker Wealth of Vladimir putin:
In excess of $700 billion by virtue of stealing an entire country and all its resources.
His wealth isn't mostly on paper like Musk et al.
It is in the form of diamonds, gold, and cash.
Eat your heart out, Elon.
Vote for Harris.
Comments on the US economy:
@Strandjunker Tax the rich or we'll eat the rich.
@Luna @Strandjunker But the rich are so skinny
@sirber Not Musk and Trump.
@Luna Trump is fat but not rich. If he was rich, he wouldn't sell cheap overpriced shoes and Bibles.
@sirber I mean metaphorically vs literally.