Elon Musk refers to people on benefits as "the parasite class", conveniently forgetting that as someone on the autism spectrum, he would probably be collecting disability checks if he hadn't been born rich.
That's a good point, but I am not convinced that Musk is autistic at all. I'm not one to question someone's self-diagnosis/realization claims, but so far the only time I have been able to find him making that claim was once on Saturday Night Live, and not before or since. So was it a chance 'coming out', or just a joke? He also referred to that in a later interview as "...or whatever I said I was." I mean, if he had made this claim in a more serious setting, and/or multiple times, that'd be different. But right now I find it highly suspicious.
Either way, the real irony is that he is most definitely part of "the parasite class".
@Phracker2Art That’s a bit of a stereotype. I’m on the autism spectrum, I definitely wasn’t born rich, and I’ve never collected disability checks. Autism is a spectrum, not a disability.
Autism affects different people differently. Some autistic people may need state assistance while others won't. This is especially true if you have autism along with a bunch of other stuff. It can make simple daily living a struggle.
@Phracker2Art yes, that was my point. Saying he’d “probably be collecting disability checks” is a gross over-simplification of the condition.
My point is Elon Musk shouldn't be patting himself on the back for not needing government assistance, since he got a huge leg up from his rich dad. As far as I'm concerned, both are a form of unearned income.