++++++++++++++++++++++++"ROCK ON AOC"!!!
@Nigel_Purchase when a worker dies it takes years to train someone to replace them, when a billionaire dies another person instantly becomes a billionaire. Billionaires aren’t even people just things.
@passwordsarehard4 @Nigel_Purchase
I think you're right. Did you see how they just finished the meeting after Luigi left like nothing happened?
And besides that BILLIONAIRES ARE VERY TASTY. Getting fattened up on all that good food and such.
In socialism, EVERYONE is poor. (Except for those who run the "socialism").
@ziacik @Nigel_Purchase European socialist countries have very happy, healthy, and long-lived people, but not so many billionaires.
@progressivehetr @Nigel_Purchase
Those "socialist" counties are not really socialist.
@ziacik @progressivehetr @Nigel_Purchase So USA should implement all those countries have, and it would not be socialist, right?
@richlv @progressivehetr @Nigel_Purchase
Yes, it would not.
@ziacik @richlv @progressivehetr @Nigel_Purchase correct. "Social capitalism" is very much under attack, but the premise is still that a government should take care of the weak and keep the wealth distribution "somewhat" equal. Unrestraint capitalism is just as bad as any other "ism".
Oh, piffle.
You're a piffle. Blocked
@Nigel_Purchase now this is the sort of message that appeals to Working class people, not being cruel to Trans people!
Americans need billionaires like any senior needs an aneurism.
AOC and Bernie need to form a new party, because this is class warfare.
From Hamilton Nolan's The Underlying Problem:
"The underlying cause of our situation is inequality. We have allowed too few people to accumulate too much wealth."
What can we do?
"If you need a cause ... it is a Class War. The same damn class war! Taking wealth away from the rich and giving that wealth to the less rich. Our democracy, such as it is, will never, ever be stabilized until that happens."
Garys Economics
Tax Is How We Defend Ourselves
"I don't want redistribution, I'm trying to stop the redistribution".[to the very rich]
@Nigel_Purchase and the point is?
@cja @Nigel_Purchase
I don't like to feed my cancers if i can help it
@Nigel_Purchase you could say, billionaires could pay more taxes, I think that would be a more valid point than these kind of empty statements
@cja @Nigel_Purchase *should* / *ought* ... but the sad reality is: their account managers know all the loop holes. Guess why Trump/Musk/Bezos don't get a salary - that would be taxable.
A wealth tax. 1% on wealth in excess of $100 million, 2% on wealth in excess of $1 billion.
just until they perfect this AI stuff?
@Nigel_Purchase ..and do they need the Democrats?
@Nigel_Purchase I've been saying this about Facebook since 2010.
Fucking right !!