Fuck the “wider Irish diaspora” then. You don’t get to do rebel cosplay whilst supporting genocide.
@Nickiquote I've had a few interactions with the "wider Irish diaspora" in the US. They were the kind of people you'd actively want to damage relationships with.
Standing on principle is not ‘a gamble’ as if it’s a play for advantage - I call it ‘doing the right thing’ and you do it even if you know there will be consequences.
@Nickiquote Irish Diaspora Trump Supporters are the Black and Tans of the Diaspora...
Are these diaspora voters in Irish elections?
Or are they (just) Irish Americans*?
I don't see the problem for Sinn Fein.
I do see it being a problem for Trump among Irish American maga.
Jumping on the Trump band wagon would be a problem for SF, but snubbing him?
Then again elections are miles off.
@Deixis9 Agreed that I don’t see why a US support base is so important for Sinn Fein in this day and age, but I’m happy to be corrected.
@Nickiquote I don't believe for a minute that the "wider Irish diaspora" really support Trump.
@Makyris White US Catholics certainly turned out for Trump, sadly.