The Reddit forum for the #50501movement had a Big List of Protests thread which got removed as spam.
*Please share the BLOP!*
In virtually every state, even Alabama and Iowa, you can find multiple #resistance events on multiple days. The revolution is not being televised, because our legacy media outlets are owned by pro-fascist ghouls, but Americans are rising up.
And remember, anyone can start a new event at
You'll see events on there that are just a few friends holding up signs on an overpass or in a public park. Even if it's that small, every act of resistance shows this regime we are not intimidated!
And it's been amazing to read stories from brave folks who did that in Trump voting counties. They say a lot of people came up to talk to them, and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive.
Mad respect for the Ames Visibility Brigade, which is a group of people who hold up anti Trump and pro Ukraine signs in Ames, Iowa, twice every week in a public park.
Ames? Where is that?
These people are the real MVP's.
Everybody is frightened and paralyzed... until they see their neighbors standing around in a park with signs and an attitude like "You know what? Fuck these guys."
That is how revolutions begin.
YES. So much, THIS.