Assembling & erecting this arbor to support some arching but drooping branches of our Young’s Weeping Birch has been our Labor Day weekend project — tho it would have been more appropriate as an Arbor Day project! It still needs a finishing touch or two (like recessing the visible stabilizing board so we can cover it with rocks, & of course festooning the arbor with little white faerie lights is IMPERATIVE!
) But we’re really happy with it!
#gardening #landscaping #weekendproject
THIS JUST IN: Our new arbor has just received the highly coveted Tree Frog Seal of Approval!
#wildlife #adorable_critters #frog
@Laloofah Very sweet!!
@sbourne Thanks, Sarah! (It even came together with fairly minimal cussing. )
Cool! That's really great.
@elliek Sure made us !
I totally get that. Very special
@elliek I just checked and s/he’s still there, about 2” from the original spot.
If you're like me and our foxes, I can spend ages just checking. Special moments.
@elliek oh, yes. S/he was still there last night before we turned in, & that concerned me. I provided some water, but otherwise didn’t interfere, and this morning the arbor is frogless. I think it’s the same tree frog who was always hanging out under the leaves of our Heuchera in a big pot a few feet away by the front porch this spring, & who I’ve seen on our walkway on a few recent nights, right near where the arbor is now! This is clearly their territory.
I hope it comes back, or at least you see it again. It might be just out of sight.
I might look out and see a fox (or two or three) and watch for a bit and then they disappear behind a tree or bush. They're still there, I just can't see them. So I always feel good looking out, even if I don't see them, knowing they might well be just out of my line of sight.
@elliek I’m sure they’re still nearby, just not on the arbor… for now! There are several densely packed azaleas by the arbor on the other side of the walkway from the house, with lots of moist matter beneath them for a frog to shelter (& hide) under!
I love foxes… we see one here every once in a while & it’s always a thrill. Tell your foxy friends I said hello!
I will! We had 7! A litter growing up in our garden. What a special treat. Picked us right up. Even if they did steal Joni's frisbee and dug up some of my garden. I love them too.
I gave them their own ball to play with. They had a wonderful time with it. Such a joy to see.
@elliek How adorable! And what a special honor and treat to get to witness and share in. Well worth the cost of Joni’s frisbee & a bit of garden digging, I bet! So wonderful they have a safe, fun, & welcoming place to grow up there with you.