#Activist, 97, among dozens arrested in #Australia #climate protest
26 November 2023
Sydney, Australia, Nov 26 (EFE).- "Dozens of protesters, including a 97-year-old man, were arrested on Sunday during a #ClimateChange protest off Australia’s east coast that disrupted operations at the country’s biggest coal export port.
"#ClimateActivist group #RisingTide had organized the protest to block the traffic of coal cargo ships in the port of Newcastle since Saturday.
"The group said on its Twitter account that at least 59 people have been arrested so far.
"Since Saturday, groups of 50 to 60 protesters have been taking turns in rostered two-hour shifts getting on canoes and inflatable boats and preventing ships from leaving the port.
"Among the protesters who went out to sea was Alan Stuart, a 97-year-old religious pastor.
"Stuart said he was doing it for his grandchildren and future generations after being pulled out of his boat by the police.
"'I am doing this for my grandchildren and future generations because I don’t want to leave them a world full of increasingly severe and frequent #ClimateDisasters,' he said. 'I am so sorry that they will have to suffer the consequences of our inaction. So, I think it is my duty to do what I can and to stand up for what I know is right.'
"Rising Tide claims that the protest prevented more than half a million tonnes of coal from leaving the Newcastle port by the time the demonstration ended.
"Protesters demand that the Australian government stop all new projects that involve the use of fossil energy and confront the #ClimateCrisis more decisively.
"The climate crisis is one of the big issues of political debate in Australia, a country exposed to the effects of #droughts and #ExtremeTemperatures.
"Australia is the world’s second largest exporter of thermal coal and the largest exporter of cooking coal."
When 97 year old religious pastors are getting arrested for trying to stop fossil fuel projects, we have to ask ourselves about the motives of those who have them arrested.
It’s not extremist to want your children and grandchildren to be able to survive on this planet. We know the only slim chance of that being possible is if we keep fossil fuels in the ground. It seems science is allied with religion in this case…it’s #BigOil and puppet leaders killing us.
@JugglingWithEggs @DoomsdaysCW
"motives of those who have them arrested"
Those who arrested them are doing what they're ordered to do ("following orders", "doing their Job" is following orders)
Someone[s] up the pecking order gave those orders. Follow that to the 'top' and ask those people what are their motives (I'd wager it's money). Having written that, "following orders" is often also because if they don't, they lose their Jobs (AKA as lose #money)
@scientist @DoomsdaysCW in the UK the Tory government has moved swiftly towards criminalising all forms of protest. A protest can be just one person and people can be apprehended and charged by the police on the belief that they may intend to join a protest - they don’t have to have participated. Such legislation enables the police ‘to carry out their job’. Our politicians have stated those engaging in environmental protest are extremists.
@JugglingWithEggs @scientist @DoomsdaysCW
They can't differentiate between different forms of protest. They don't want decent, like with the Tory whip, we are meant to toe the line of government narritive and direction.
If we did that our protest would involve walking around in endless circles due to all the U turns they keep making.
@zleap @scientist @DoomsdaysCW protest has been scarily circumscribed in England. While it’s technically still possible - and Tories are keen to say this - in practice, there are far, far less protests taking place than pre-Covid, because of the impossible hoops that organisers have to go through and even when complying and working closely with police can still be deemed to break the law (witness the 52 republican arrests at the King’s coronation).