Took a long weekend to do whatever the heck I want to do….which turns out to be repairing/refinishing an wooden antique tool chest and vegetable gardening.
#woodworking #refinishing #gardening #bliss
Not quite before pictures of the tool chest I am fixing.
#Woodworking #Refinishing #antiques
@Halcyonline Antique? Tool chest?! What kind and how old? And why are there no pictures
@PalmAndNeedle not sure the age. Mid to late 1800’s?
Really shows being used heavily. 4 different types of wood I just added pictures
@PalmAndNeedle a reply to the first toot that you replied to. I don’t know how to link to it
@Halcyonline I always forget to take "before" pictures, best I can manage are "almost done" shots. Looks like a worthy project.
@Halcyonline oh, it is a beauty