BBC News: Why don't Europeans buy more American cars? - BBC News
tl;dr - they're a bit shit, they're not economical, and they're too big to drive on smaller European city streets and lanes.
@xtaldave one of these behemoths pulled up next to me the other week. I turned to say something to my dad, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, and noticed his head was below the bonnet of that thing.
Yes, that's right - the top of the bonnet was higher than a full grown man sitting on a normal car.
I feel safer going round a roundabout next to an HGV than one of these monstrosities (at least the HGV driver knows there's other vehicles around them).
@stellarsarah @xtaldave there's a roundabout right outside one of the supermarkets here. If one of these is standing on my right, there's absolutely no way I can see the oncoming traffic. I just have to wait until it has gone before I can move out of the left lane and into the roundabout.
These vehicles should never have been allowed onto the roads here.