It’s pretty obvious that Trudeau’s days are numbered…I highly doubt he’ll make it much past New Year’s Day as PM. Unfortunately, the alternative of Pierre Poilievre is quite frightening (sorry #NDP folks, #JagmeetSingh doesn’t have a hope in becoming #PrimeMinister) and I’m very fearful of the future of our country. #cdnpoli #JustinTrudeau #PierrePoilievre
There is PLENTY of time for a leadership race in the Liberal Party. There are honest smart capable people to build real excitement in leadership run.
@kevinrns you’re right…there is time. But I believe JT has done so much damage to the party that they need to choose someone with no affiliations to the current government, or the person they choose will be saddled with the same stink and will ultimately be set up to fail. Chrystia Freeland would be a fool to run at the current time. I think (and by-elections have proven) JT has made the Liberal party unelectable.
We cannot move beyond oil, gas and climate death while Canada continues to build 'delusional' pipelines to hell.
It is time for Liberal Party to BREAK FULLY from carbon fuels, embrace a green resurgence of jobs building the new energy.
Trudeau is 18 million hectares of Ash.
Or we don't make it, none of us.