I just trolled around the four English party websites.
I will avoid completing their address so one doesn’t get previewed but here they are fyi:
Conservative. Ca
Liberal. Ca
Green Party.Ca
Interesting differences.
The #cpc have no candidates listed. Only messages from Dear Leader, and it’s sparse. Mostly just his transcribed words. The ironic part is I have seen door hangers for the CPC candidate in my riding, but no idea what his name is. If it is anything like the provincial election, I expect MASSIVE CPC signage in my riding. It didn’t work provincially… we’ll see what happens now.
The #LPC have many candidates listed and ready, lots of content. No one mentioned for my riding. (They are not generally a contender)
The #NDP has almost all candidates listed but ironically, not mine even though I just received a sign, but the site is ready with similarly lots of content.
The #GPC has only a handful of candidates, but our local candidate @chrismarkevich is listed.
With such an incredibly short campaign there will not be much time for parties to fill out the details. No doubt everyone will be hyper focused on GOTV efforts. Advance voting will begin in just a couple weeks!
Edit: just counted candidates on each page.
CPC: 0
LPC: 185
NDP: 111
GPC: 80
There are 343 ridings.
#elxn45 #NDP #CPC #canPoli #cdnpoli #elxn45