I'm a #genderqueer #artist, #editor, #musician, #composer, #singer, #sounddesigner, #voiceactor, and #therapist who's been living and working in #Japan for over 20 years.
My flavor of dork is:
#StarWars (all of it, except for TROS) (love: #kylux #stormpilot #gingerpilot #bentai #renben #GeneralHux #Thrawn #Veers)
#BMovies (80s-90s #SciFi)
My rules are:
1. Don't like; don't look.
2. no minors, antis, TERFs, MAGAts
Just as a warning:
I will be unabashedly posting fan art and fic, and talking a lot about the sexual proclivities of my favorite sci-fi space people, so if that's not your thing, followers beware!
I will always cw, tag, and blur NSFW or questionable content so that you can avoid what you don't like. If I miss a cw/tag please let me know! I'll be happy to add it for you!
Other places to find me:
SWTOR: (Star Forge)
Imp: Armitage Hux, Kylo Rén, Lucien Korik, Edrison Peavey, Astrìs, Jayden Korik
Pub: Ben Sóló, Ben Sôlo, Fìññ, Poe Dämeron, Bréndol Hux
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/DarthAstris/works
deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/darthastris
RedBubble: https://www.redbubble.com/people/DarthAstris/explore?asc=u&page=1&sortOrder=recent
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/darthastris
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DarthAstris
Discord: DarthAstris#1012
DreamWidth: https://darthastris.dreamwidth.org/
Pillowfort: https://www.pillowfort.social/DarthAstris
tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/darthastris
@DarthAstris Hello and welcome!
Nice to meet!
@stux Hello! Thank you! Hope you're having a lovely day!
I'm still trying to figure out how this works, and I'm already surprised it seems that everyone can see this... and not just people who follow me, or whatever that's called here. XD
@DarthAstris Thank you! It's just over 3 at night here now, almost time for bed
No worries! I found your "toot" as we call posts on the "local" timeline! This is the timeline where you can find toots from everyone on mstdn.social. There is also a "Global" timeline, on here you find toots from users around the network!
If you like we have some more explaining here and even a little video!
@stux Ah, thank you! I came here from Twitter, and this looks very similar, but it clearly operates in a very different manner! Gonna check out some tutorials before posting more. (I don't need everyone in the world reading my dumb fanfic or being exposed to like, 20 dicks a day of my fan art or re-posts/re-blogs or whatever
@DarthAstris haha no worries at all!
Mastodon is focuses on privacy so you can set it all the way you want
If you have any questions just ask me!
@stux Thank you!
@DarthAstris Welcome to Mastodon! Hope you enjoy your stay here with the rest of us.
@Humble_Novice_2022 Thanks! I hope so, too! :D
@DarthAstris hi!! I‘m here now too to see what this app is all about.
@sourlander Welcome aboard! :D