I'm an advocate for moving away from #USA based services and let's be honest, even I know it won't be 100% possible https://www.wired.com/story/trump-era-digital-expat/
#Apple users aside, even for #Android users it's not easy: some apps (e.g banking) are only on Play Store and you need #Google account. also, some products are #Amazon only too
until it changes, IMO better strategy is isolate accounts for US-based services and not use them for sensitive comms
to elaborate on the "isolation" strategy: assuming you have Gmail account for Play Store, use it only for signing up in Amazon and other US-based services and for useless shit
while all important communications and signing up in European services can and should be done with European digital services - whether it's email or cloud
it'll be like having two different profiles that are hard to link together
I had Android long time ago (#CyanogenMod, now called #LineageOS) without Google playstore, only #FDroid, still it never felt like my own.
Since only a few years, I have a #Pinephone running #Mobian, which is more to my taste, because it's #Debian
Alternatively, there is #PostmarketOS with broader hardware support.
For #banking, I use a #TANgenerator. Probably more secure than any app.
@debacle @DM_Ronin @mobian @postmarketOS
GrapheneOS -- currently available only for Pixel phones, but going back to the 6 -- is intensely security focused. Compartmentalization is available, along with a duress code for wiping.
@debacle TAN generators either aren't supported in other countries or there are no analogues for it
on top of that, with all due respect your setup is pretty geeky and requires some tech knowledge. which is good and useful, I don't mean to downplay it (I use Pixel + Graphene OS myself) – but my point is to push to make life de-Googled/without US-based services for everyone and with relative ease
you, I and other geeks can put some effort to spend time de-Googling, but average person won't
Btw. between dumping my Android and buying the Linux phone, I had a #dumbphone for some years. Some of my non-tech, non-geek friends still have one, too. They like it better than a #smartphone, because it's less addictive and they wouldn't store their life on the device (or the connected cloud services, that is).
Might be an option, if you don't need Android for banking apps.
Problem with banking apps is, that they might refuse to run on "rooted" devices
On a side note, it would be worth the trouble to lobby for a law obliging every #EU #bank to offer #TANgenerator options, not only Google Android or Apple iOS apps.
Not sure, who would need to drive this. @EUCommission @BaFin @digitalcourage
Please feel free to #boost or #retoot to get the right people in.
@DM_Ronin Eh, _right now_ it's techy and requires some technical knowledge. But realize that Android entirely, even without Google services, is 100% controlled by Google. We _can not_ and _should not_ depend on that system.
Linux mobile at least has the potential to be an independent replacement. Yes it requires work, but someone needs to do it and it needs users to report bugs and problems. I'm glad users like @debacle are willing to take the plunge and help out.
I remember the time, when I felt very geeky, because my friends didn't know about "Linux", "uucp", or "Internet".
Ungeeking came, when my old mother asked, if I used Ubuntu and I learned, she heard about it in TV.
I really hope, that #LinuxOnMobile becomes a thing at least for those, who do not want to use big tech and don't depend on proprietary apps. So far, I never needed/used any proprietary phone app, not even on Android, but it might not work out for everyone.
@DM_Ronin there are many play-store-only apps that work without Google account. Get them with aurora store or via apkmirror.
@Kurt I use Aurora myself, but the problem with it is you still rely on Google for app updates, and there were cases when Aurora didn't work for several months because Google was closing down loopholes Aurora used for anonymous logins. it's the same situation as with Freetube/NewPipe vs Youtube: cat-and-mouse game that who knows how long will last
as for apkmirror, it publishes apps from Google at their own discretion, and not all of them are present there
@Kurt which is why I lean more towards campaigning for app developers (at least for Android users, Apple is a walled garden) to normalise third-party app stores like F-Droid/Accrescent and publish apps there, not just on PS.
oh and I won't even mention how many apps - some of them even pro-privacy and FOSS - rely on Firebase cloud messaging for notifications
@DM_Ronin Ще б держава над цим замислювалась, бо протягом повномасштабки з величезним пафосом подавались новини, як Амазон і Майкрософт "допомагають" із діджиталізацією й переведенням усього, що можливо, про українських громадян_ок до їхніх хмар за знижкою чи безкоштовно. В мене при кожній такій новині спрацьовував тригер, що ну самі собі ж свиню підкладаємо.
@cashew ну це давній спір privacy vs convenience. Амазон і Майкрософт, попри всі їхні проблеми, дуже просто використовувати для розроблення та розгортання інфраструктури - тому, я вважаю, український уряд і використовує їх окрім геополітичних причин. Хоча в ідеалі будь-який суверенний цифровий сервіс який надають державні послуги повинен бути на серверах внутри країни
@cashew до речі, говорячи про США (можливо @ahatanhel також буде цікаво): ти в курсі про те що сервер kolektiva знаходиться в США i була облава ФБР на адміністратора сервера, під час якої вилучили жорсткий диск із даними користувачів https://kolektiva.social/@admin/110637031574056150
і як я розумію (можу помилятися) вони не перенесли сервера з США
@DM_Ronin Так, читав цей допис. Де зараз знаходиться сервер, невідомо, тому що він за Cloudflare, використання якого теж на мій розсуд є мінусом. Втім, у мене на цьому сервері жодних чутливих даних, він насамперед для фонового читання настроїв на тему "що там у власне США". @ahatanhel