Whether you like the direction that things are going with AI or not you need to stop deluding yourself into thinking that you'll always be able to tell it's fake, you are going to eventually get scammed.
There are still some tells if you really know what you're looking for, but we're not at Will Smith spaghetti, 6 fingers or 2 left feet. Pretending like this is not a real problem you have to deal with isn't going to make the problem go away anymore.
This girl is not real
@BrodieOnLinux are you sure she's not real?
@meatlotion She's real to me
@BrodieOnLinux she looks real to me too.
@BrodieOnLinux when paying attention (and probably due to having been primed) she looks 'off' in a way that's not easy to define. I think it's that her face looks like she could be any age between 14 and 42.
But this is far more convincing than any previous iteration I've seen and i doubt I'd pause if I wasn't concentrating.
@dashlion I was saying this over on Twitter, AI art hasn't become less common, in all likelihood it's more common than ever but unless you know to look out for it it's become pretty damn hard to tell.
@BrodieOnLinux well, to be frank, when the first movies were made people ducked in the theater from the train on the screen.
I guess sooner or later we will reach the point when you can't just learn the difference between real and fake anymore because it always diminishes and gets smaller.
@BrodieOnLinux Too late, I'm going to marry this woman
@BrodieOnLinux The movement in her eyes does feel a bit odd, other than that it would be very hard to tell.
@BrodieOnLinux Things in the background sort of bend and warp around her, but I only knew to check because you *said* it was machine generated. I wonder if software to detect this type of image and video will manage to stay ahead of the generators themselves.
@BrodieOnLinux I'm pretty sure there's nothing noticeable about her, but the parallax in the background doesn't make sense.
Even if you're sceptical, you have to know what to look for, and even it's kinda hard to definitively say y/n.
Normies & non-techies & even the glowies are gonna be in a world of trouble as this stuff matures and is more readily accessible.
@BrodieOnLinux As long as it makes incels stalk AI generated instead of real women.
@BrodieOnLinux I love how people in this thread are focusing on potential hints of AI in this particular video. It doesn't matter. You *won't* be able to tell in a very near future. You *will* be fooled. Prepare for it.
@macberg That's what always happens, it's "I can actually tell", you know once you've been primed that you're looking at AI, but good luck out in the world.
Soon, maybe. This is close, but not yet there.
Reflections in the eyes don't match. They're quite visibly off in the still photo, but the mismatch also shows during the move.
@BrodieOnLinux well good thing it doesn't show any fingers but I think we should regulate AI generated images. I think we might unleash a big power to the public and the world(and especially those who only use social media for their news) is not prepared for it.
@ManuelBoe The fingers thing hasn't been an issue for over a year
@BrodieOnLinux Obviously you can tell it's AI because of the shadows. I immediately knew it once I've read the text.