Today is #NationalFossilDay! Over my career, I’ve been an author or coauthor in naming five new fossil species: the #Miocene baleen #whale Eobalaenoptera harrisoni (2004), the Miocene toothed whale Squalodon whitmorei (2005), the Triassic gliding reptile Mecistotrachelos apeoros (2007), the #Cretaceous #tyrannosaur Dynamoterror dynastes (2018), and the #Pleistocene Pacific #mastodon Mammut pacificus (2019).
#paleontology #fossil #taxonomy #scicomm @westernsciencecenter
@AltonDooley @westernsciencecenter I can claim only three … BUT I'm going to claim the win, because they're all sauropods
@mike @AltonDooley @westernsciencecenter
I have 23 with a further two in press. Six of them are sauropodomorphs. The others are an eclectic mix of temnospondyls, molluscs, theropods, turtles, crocodiles and mammals. One was found to be a synonym when it turned out one of my mollusc species had been named in an obscure newsletter a year or so earlier.
@alcootatooter @AltonDooley @westernsciencecenter Well, you certainly win as regards sheer numbers, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to take points off for the inverts
@mike @AltonDooley @westernsciencecenter
I love my molluscs, so I'm afraid that's water off a duck's back (incidentally there is a duck among the 23)
@alcootatooter @AltonDooley @westernsciencecenter Fine, but who's the one awarding the points around here?
@alcootatooter @AltonDooley @westernsciencecenter In all seriousness, I am rather in awe of someone who can have a detailed technical interest in such wildly different groups. It's all I can do to keep track of what's happening in Neosauropoda.
@mike @AltonDooley @westernsciencecenter Also in all seriousness I feel that I've forgotten more than I know now. Far too often I'll come up against a new fossil or paper and have to say "I used to know this".
@mike @westernsciencecenter I’ve got 2 whales and an elephant!