The night sky in a sea polished pebble - complete with stars and spiraling galaxies.
Mostly fossilized Goniatite shells.
County Clare, Ireland. walking tours
Found this on a walk yesterday in a rubble pile from an eroded rockface, following an icy winter. I was able to split the shale with my fingers and found what looks like a #fossil inside, possibly of a fish. I could be wrong, I'm no expert. I'm curious if anyone has any idea about it. Collected in central Appalachia along the banks of the Monongahela River. I enhanced the colors a bit in the photo for better contrast and visibility.
"Union Investment, die Fondsgesellschaft der Volks- und Raiffeisenbanken, will ab 2025 die Förderung fossiler Energieträger aus ihren nachhaltigen Fonds ausschließen und in herkömmlichen Fonds schrittweise einschränken. Kohleförderung soll in nachhaltigen Produkten ab Januar tabu sein, die Förderung von Öl und Gas ab April."
Die Nordstreamer
In der Union wird für eine Wiederherstellung der russischen Nordstream Gasleitungen geworben. Ggf. unter Beteiligung der Trump Regierung. Hat man denen -excuse my french- […] …
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#Fossil #gas #korruption #nordstream #Putin #regierung #trump #union
Bizarre #fossil may have been an entirely new type of #life. Chemical analysis suggests the 400-million-year-old fossil #Prototaxites was neither plant, animal or fungus – hinting at a mysterious life form that went extinct long ago. #science #palaeobotany #paleobotany #biology #botany #mycology #taxonomy
A teeny tiny Goniatite fossil. You can see the spaces where its gas filled flotation chambers would have been.
County Clare, Ireland. walking tours
4th January 2025: Bye Bye, Murderbird. MARPA, Alcalá de Henares (Spain) #travel #fossil #Concavenator #AlcalaDeHenares #travel #JBinnacle #MARPA
Nerd-sniped myself into spending too many hours looking at hosting #Racket packages on #Fossil again
With all the "Pebble is back" vibe in my head i dug up my eink smartwatch and put the CMF Watch pro 2 in the drawer.
Does anyone know what this fossil is? I found it at Sandgate beach (England) when I was a child. #fossil #paleontology
This week for #Fossilfriday we have another #Guess that #Lego #Fossil.
This one I would rate as medium. This African theropod is one of the largest of its time.
Reminder: hide your answer behind a content warning. This will allow others to guess without a hint. I will post the answer tomorrow (and to anyone who guesses correctly).
This was designed by S7evinDE.
hello, fediverse. curious question: is this fossil?
i was working on my grandmother's garden when i found this odd-looking rock. some suggested i should split it in half to see if there's fossil, but after trying to inquire more from google, i suspect this could be a fossil itself? i think it was called a steinkern? thanks for the help.
#steinkern #fossil #question #paleontology #science
Industry #Decarbonization: Why the owners of a Shipping Company are investing in #Fossil-Free Plastics
A. P. Møller Holding, the largest shareholder of #Maersk, has launched a green #plastic startup called #Vioneo. It wants to build a Methanol-to-Olefins plant in Belgium - the first such factory in Europe.
Rebuilding #LosAngeles after the wildfires must be about creating a safe, more resilient future for our local communities. But right now our leaders are taking us in the opposite direction, allowing dangerous #fossil #methane gas infrastructure back into our communities. We can #GoElectric!
#ThrowbackThursday Fossil Ridge/Hondo Canyon, Topanga, CA, February 2021