UPDATE: Jasmine Mooney is now home after spending nearly two weeks in ICE detention
The Vancouver entrepreneur says she still doesn’t know why US border officials took such heavy-handed action
I will not be visiting the US again....
"One of the women she met had been in detention for 10 months"
@pennydaflos I am pretty sure I know why they took these actions. Because they could.
@harold @pennydaflos Demonstration of Power. Simple and sick as that.
@pennydaflos Our local news covered this story. Her description of the conditions she was held in is appalling. Glad she made it home safely.
Canadian woman put in chains, detained by ICE after entering San Diego border - https://www.10news.com/news/local-news/never-seen-anything-so-inhumane-canadian-woman-put-in-chains-detained-by-ice-after-entering-san-diego-border
Who's she turn down for a date?
@pennydaflos That’s great news to hear.
@pennydaflos Explaining why the did it is easy.
Because they could.
@pennydaflos simple: Because they can and because they won't face #accountabiluty nor #consequences...
@pennydaflos pour encourager les autres