Must have been signed with one of those autopens.
Must have been signed with one of those autopens.
I've been saying that Putin owns Trump for a decade and been generally ignored if not laughed at. Not funny now, is it. Especially as proof mounts that Putin is absolutely calling the shots with Trump and Musk. I mean come on! Deleting evidence of Russian war crimes? Raiding Reagan's US Institute for Peace? What will Trump have to do for the media to finally call a spade a spade?
#DonaldKrasnovTrump will be meeting with his Master for a progress report.
Holy hell. So we're fucking China now? It looks like a goddam Uhygur concentration camp I mean reeducation camp in China.
Who's she turn down for a date?
Which begs the question... is Putin egging Trump on with this Canada shit? Seems very plausible. Couldn't get more "destroy the west" than that.
Yeah that old "rule of law" thing. Turns out to have been a pretty important structural support for the US stock market. Who knew?
@thenewsdesk @news-thenewsdesk
I guess everyone pointing and laughing ar what a cowardly traitor Krasnov is has begun to have some effect.
Keep pointing and laughing everybody!
I cannot believe how obvious this is and yet so many in the commentariat - even the anti-Trump media - keep saying things like "his tarrif obsession is hard to explain. Why is he attacking our allies?"
Good God. The only explanation for all his actions - taken together - is that he is doing Putin's bidding.
One small consolation of this disaster is getting to say "I told you so" to all my friends and family who rolled their eyes for the last 10 years when I told them this creep Donald Krasnov Trump was owned by Putin.
This is the first good news I've heard since Krasnov was sworn in. I'm so glad they stood up for this charming community.
But did the King ask why Zelensky wasn't wearing a suit?
It's hard to feel badly for the UK suffering with Starmer when I'm sitting here in California watching Trump take direct orders from our enemy Putin. Consider yourselves lucky and do what you can to preserve your democracy. We're staring down the barrel of being subjected to these fucking idiots indefinitely.
#DonaldKrasnovTrump is destroying our country on behalf of our enemies.