'embrace diversity. / unite — / or be divided, / robbed, / ruled, / killed / by those who see you as prey. / embrace diversity / or be destroyed.' #art #history: thank you, seattle edu-core band, bloodhag, for (literally) hitting me in the head with an octavia butler (who died #otd in 2006) tome. she broke all the rules & against incredible odds, she was the first black science fiction writer. you'll find solace in her words.
#octaviaButler #sciFi #literature #illustration #metal
Hit on the head with #OctaviaButler. That’s legendary
I had to check and realized there’s a lot of Black #SciFi I haven’t read
@AccordionBruce@mastodon.social@mastodon.social i needed her in my life & that was as straightforward a sign as i've ever had. :)
thanks for the link to that excellent article. i can wholeheartedly endorse lorraine hansberry.
"Olamina" (for Octavia Butler)
from Operate Spaceship Earth Properly
by Big Blood
@fkaOctaviaKeats @kathimmel Fantastic
If only it had #Accordion we could play it on @accordionnoir radio
@TheCentralScrutinizer her prescience is both awesome & terrifying.
@antoineschmitt yes, that one had my guts churning with every turn of the page. still can't wrap my head round how she predicted all of this with such accuracy, but the protagonist does convey hope.
must've been a bit creepy reading that chapter on the specific date.
@fkaOctaviaKeats ooo, that looks brilliant. thank you! :)