Someone I muted AND blocked, yet i still see him in other people's replies. How is this possible? I'm sick of seeing this person's terrible takes
Are you still seeing them within your own timelines?
When you click on their profile, does it say "blocked" and "muted" on their profile?
@feditips @simonzerafa Yes, it says muted and blocked. I only see him in other people's replies, not on my own timeline.
Are you looking at the replies within your own server, i.e. without opening a new tab or window? (They may still be visible on the public website version of the threads on other servers.)
@feditips @simonzerafa not sure but I think it's within my own server? I'm using the Tooot app, and when I click on a post to view the comments there he is. It doesn't open up a browser window or anything like that.
Ahh okay, it's showing it inside Tooot?
Does it happen when you use your server's website (at or a different app?
(I'm just trying to narrow down if this is a problem on the app or on your server. It shouldn't be happening either way, but this could help solve it.)
@feditips @simonzerafa yes it seems to be just in Tooot.
Okay, then there's something on Tooot that is fetching posts it shouldn't be...
@tooot can you help with this situation? Someone is seeing posts from people they've blocked, and this doesn't happen on other apps.
@MnemosyneSinger @feditips @simonzerafa I use tooot & the posts from people I block disappear as soon as I press the block button. Perhaps app re-install?