The Fediverse is a network of thousands of independent social media servers of many different kinds.
The most popular kind is Mastodon, but it wasn't the first and isn't the only one. Some of the accounts you interact with are on other server types, e.g. @Iancylkowski is on Pixelfed and @theatticdwellers is on PeerTube. There are many Fediverse server types:
Whichever type you're signed up on, they connect together to form a social network called the Fediverse.
@feditips @Iancylkowski @theatticdwellers PeerTube, I so want it to succeed, but there's nothing interesting on it right now.
@adrianmorales @Iancylkowski @theatticdwellers
If it helps at all, I try to highlight interesting videos over on @FediVideo and there's a playlist at
I know there isn't much right now, but it's a start, and it can be incredibly useful. For example when Blender's YouTube channel was taken down without explanation they started a PeerTube instance to make sure the videos were available. You can see it at and follow the main account at @blender