So, can ATProto scale down? Have Bluesky's "scaling towards decentralization" issues been fixed?
Not fundamentally. There have been advancements in self-hosting efforts, and they're good, but my fundamental analysis of Bluesky and ATProto scaling quadratically have not changed, despite recent efforts being good.
@cwebber beyond me why people are still at #bluesky. It's the trap of tHIs tiME WilL be dIFFerEnT, I guess.
#ATProto is NOT an open API. Any parallel implementation still has to go through bluesky's servers.
They are still owned by #DTBO vulture capitalist cryptobro techbro billionaires, who have stated they will sell your data and info to LLM predatory enterprises.
Baffling, really.
Meanwhile, #AcitivityPub remains simple, #FOSS, inexpensive, truly decentralized.
Go figure.
@argv_minus_one @cwebber And it's WONDERFUL.
Web1.0+ is the best.