So, can ATProto scale down? Have Bluesky's "scaling towards decentralization" issues been fixed?
Not fundamentally. There have been advancements in self-hosting efforts, and they're good, but my fundamental analysis of Bluesky and ATProto scaling quadratically have not changed, despite recent efforts being good.
@cwebber beyond me why people are still at #bluesky. It's the trap of tHIs tiME WilL be dIFFerEnT, I guess.
#ATProto is NOT an open API. Any parallel implementation still has to go through bluesky's servers.
They are still owned by #DTBO vulture capitalist cryptobro techbro billionaires, who have stated they will sell your data and info to LLM predatory enterprises.
Baffling, really.
Meanwhile, #AcitivityPub remains simple, #FOSS, inexpensive, truly decentralized.
Go figure.
@faraiwe @cwebber #bluesky suffers from the fundamental issue that plagues tech liberals, they don't oppose the fundamental hierarchy of society just who gets to be on top, #ATProto is a small scale example of that, they don't oppose large social media being controlled by capitalists, they oppose it being controlled by Musk.
While opposing musk is good, and bluesky is significantly better than twitter (altho the appropriate description would be "less worse") the solution isn't replacing him with a good venture capitalist emperor of social media
@quollveth @cwebber the TL;DR is , #DTBO (douchebag techbro billionaire owned) ANYTHING is BAAAAD, hmmmkaaaay....
@argv_minus_one @cwebber And it's WONDERFUL.
Web1.0+ is the best.