I’m doing Camp NaNoWriMo this month as extra incentive to complete a micropoetry collection. My word count goal is rather modest this time as other writing priorities take precedence but that’s the great thing about Camp NaNo; you can tailor it to meet your writing goals.
April is NaPoWriMo, NaPoMo, & Camp NaNoWriMo. Learn more about these writing events here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Poetry_Writing_Month https://napowrimo.net/about
https://poets.org/national-poetry-month https://wikiwrimo.org/wiki/Camp_NaNoWriMo https://nanowrimo.org/what-is-camp-nanowrimo
#literary #events #NaPoWriMo #NaPoMo #NationalPoetryMonth #CampNaNoWriMo #CampNaNo #NaNoWriMo #NaNo #wrimos #amwriting #writing #writingcommunity #poetrycommunity #writer #writersofmastodon #author #authorsofmastodon #poet #poetsofmastodon #poetry #poems #writerslife #writinglife
All this month, you'll be seeing "plenty o' poetry" from me here, that is, if 1 haiku/day for 30 days could be considered bountiful. Then again, quantity is an irrelevant micropoetry metric. When one works with just a few words, "quality over quantity" becomes the poetic equivalent of concentrated laundry detergent.
#haiku #micropoetry #poetry #poetrycommunity #writingcommunity #writing #writinglife #writerslife #writersofmastodon #writer #poet #poetsofmastodon #authorsofmastodon #author
Ironically, what got me across the NaPoWriMo finish line was NOT sharing poetry here for the remainder of the month. In other words, writing poetry with the intent to share it was useful until it wasn't. A few weeks in, the poetry stopped flowing & I knew the solution was to write poetry just to write it, without any pressure whatsoever. I generally prefer to write like no one's going to read it, which just helps get the raw material onto the page. Revision comes later.