So the decisive section of the #COP28 presidency's draft resolution text contains the word COULD prominently up front - making all the statements before that section about concern, urgency and commitment a bit of a farce by making none of it binding on anyone.
Full draft text:
@berlinfokus @W_Lucht We lost our imagination to work on solutions.
Don't say that.
There is an amazing ammount of solutions out there. And amazing people that make them happen every single day.
Just a little political backing for them would be nice.
@berlinfokus @W_Lucht I do hope you’re right. I’m not one to be cynical, but sometimes, looking at the way the oppressed, the poor, are treated around the world, I somehow think we have indeed lost our imagination, and only wait to be entertained, fed, made beautiful.
@berlinfokus @W_Lucht It’s probably just my mood right now, and it will clear up, and I will see that we, the ordinary people, are doing as much as we possibly can.
Just saw that you're from #Guyana.
How is the situation (Venezuela, war threats, etc) for you right now?
Are people calm? You think it's all more bark than bite from Maduro?
Spend half of the last night watching infos about the conflict, seems to be complicated.
I just so much hope everything stays peaceful.
You think #IrfaanAli is doing a good job? (I've seen an interview with him & was pretty impressed. But I don't know much about him.)
@berlinfokus @W_Lucht I’m in Florida helping to take care of my elderly mum but have my tiny little home in GY. We vacillate between worry, calm, humour. I’ve written a piece on Substack that captures our spirit: Maduro and the Dutch jumbie.
Most (not all) people feel Pres. Ali’s doing a good job, he’s keeping the population calm. He’s a no-nonsense sort of chap.
The Guyana-Venezuela history isn’t that complicated, media make everything complex to suit their needs.
Thank you.
With "complicated" I just meant things like "The ICJ hasn't made its decision yet" and "Its not totally clear what Brasil will do".
But yes, true, it all isn't THAT complicated.
Really hope things calm down soon.
@berlinfokus @W_Lucht Oh, I do hope so too, I hope things calm down and there’s no land-grabbing, no fighting.
@W_Lucht thank you SO much for posting this link! I have been searching for hours for the actual draft text. The Guardian's link to it was broken. Here it is!