@raymondpert the world's largest zombie.
Said one of the foremost experts on coral reefs 12 years ago https://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/14/opinion/a-world-without-coral-reefs.html
#ClimateCatastrophe #ExtinctionLevelEvent #ELE #CoralBleeching
Here is a link without paywall:
"IT’S past time to tell the truth about the state of the world’s #CoralReefs, the nurseries of tropical coastal #fish stocks. They have become #ZombieEcosystems, neither dead nor truly alive in any functional sense, and
@HistoPol @raymondpert thank you
Thank you for pointing out the article.
@HistoPol @Seruko @raymondpert I know it's true, but I can't bear the thought of thought of us completely killing the reef. WTF is wrong with us?
#Evolution #ExtinctionLevelEvents #ELE|s
Homo sapiens is the worst kind of predator on earth:
...and, relatively speaking with regard to his intellect, the most stupid one in all of history: the cyano bacteria that probly were the first "beings" that destroyed their habitat on a global scale (#GreatOxidationEvent) did neither have the cognitive faculties, nor any antecedents from which they could have learned:
If there ever...
#Evolution #ExtinctionLevelEvents #ELE|s #Philosophie
...was a species on earth less worthy of becoming a "#MultiplanetarySpecies," as #ElonMusk and the other acolytes of #Longtermism (#TESCREAL) aspire to become, it is the human race.
s/:In fact, if #ecocide were a crime punishable by the death penalty, homo sapiens deserves an extinction-level event.
R.I.P. homo sapiens./s
@HistoPol @Seruko @raymondpert Muskian/techbro longtermism and the whole mtiplanetaru species thing is so utterly. Utterly toxic I don't even know where to begin. I just wish we could give those people their dream and make one last rocket to yeet them all into the cold, dead void of space.
@Syulang @HistoPol @raymondpert I strongly support this idea
I do know where to begin (alas,) regarding #TESCREAL--the "L" standing for #Longtermism:
@HistoPol @Syulang @raymondpert longer I am exposed to successful tech entrepreneurs (I work in tech) the more convinced I am that tech success is uncorrelated from founders, and their ideas. 10,000 monkeys go through a random process, the 100 on top are convinced they're on top because of their character