Being practically snowed in has its advantages, if you like baking (and welcome any excuse to do more of it), though my waistline may have its doubts.
These are from the last few days:
- sourdough bread
- very spicy cheese sticks
- salty pastry dough
- sweet pastry dough (both of the latter two having just started their overnighter in the fridge.)
@Jantar Heheh yes, on days with shitty weather I'm way more productive about brewing too. Did you do anything in particular to get that cool leafy pattern on the top left bread done?
Well, yes, but it is the easiest trick in the bread scoring/cutting book (and the only one I am moderately good at.)
What you do is to make a row of shallow, short, double cuts*, above each other and... that's it. That's all you do.
(One 'pair' of those double cuts should look like a children's drawing of the roof of a house, but with a gap between the tops of the two lines - like a roof with a hole on top...)
*The cuts are straight; the way the bread rises makes them wavy.
@Jantar Neat I'll share this with the goddess of sourdough in this apartment and we'll give it a shot with our next loaf. Thanks for sharing.