This #iNaturalist observation is a #PawPaw. The second photo shows its flowers. It predates the community garden that currently surrounds it. It is there wild, though living in a cultivated garden.There are several #pawpaw volunteers springing up all over. They are wild too. Though last week I transplanted 6 so they won't be wild.
@Iragersh Between #iNaturalist and occasional volunteering at Greenbelt Native Plant Center I've lately considered what "wild" really means.
If a wild plant is moved to preserve it (to move it away from construction, for example), is it still wild? Does it matter where it's moved to? Can a plant (or any organism) be half-wild? Can plants be "feral"? (I've seen that word used--hesitantly--on iNat.)
@Karen5Lund @Iragersh A plant can 100% be half-wild. If I cast NY native wildflower seeds across the landscape in NY… they would become NY wildflowers.
Can the plant thrive? Will it have what it needs where it is? Will it spread?
@Iragersh Wow!! That’s one of the plants I always read about in NY, but I’ve never seen. I’ve always wanted to taste one, too.
I wonder if we could plant some in Inwood — I bet I could get permission for that.
Kinda like the persimmon … the only one I’ve seen in the ground is that super-tall one in front of the NYBG’s library. (My dad says he used to gorge himself on wild ones around Oklahoma— sad there aren’t many here.)