Not a wildflower at all but very striking. A japanese camellia. I thought it was a rose bush. Jenny's Garden. Last weekend.
Not a wildflower at all but very striking. A japanese camellia. I thought it was a rose bush. Jenny's Garden. Last weekend.
Was wondering where I took this photo. Oh, where I go #swimming just north of the #NorthRiverWastewaterResourceRecoveryFacility (WRRF).
On Saturday, a day before the big storms after the #BillionOysterProject #SummerOnTheHudson #OpenHouse on the #Baylander. I was in at 4:21. More ebb current than I expected.
This is a bit late for #WildFlowerHourNYC but its all I have. I'm very consumed with taking photos of trash and illegally parked cars.
The hour is up?
I could keep going, but I think I need an early bedtime after this morning's walk.
I'll leave you with this lovely Shagbark Hickory from Saturday's walk. An extremely well named tree!
Good night, wildflower fans. See you again next week.
Cinnamon fern, memorable for the tall spikey flower the color of cinnamon.
I saw these at the New Creek Bluebelt. Small pale pink (almost white) flowers with dark red leaves. It was planted deliberately on the street side of the fence so it isn't truly wild and may not be native, but it was quite striking.
One of the first things we saw on Saturday's Wildflower Walk was a tall Tulip Tree in flower. The flowers were very high up, but somebody found one that had fallen to the ground.
You can see where Tulip Trees get their name: the flower really is shaped like a tulip.
I appreciate the faves and boosts that #WildflowerHourNYC is receiving tonight.
If you're not in NYC, please share your (wild)flower photos and let us know where you are!
We saw a lot of white flowers this morning. I need to go through my photos and identify the different species.
Yes, we love wildflowers. And plants of all sorts. But can we take a moment to appreciate that this morning I saw Bald Eagles in NYC?
There are now three known Bald Eagle nests in NYC, two in Staten Island and one in Queens. I'm told an article is being written for a scientific journal.
Yellow irises, too! A fair distance from the blue one in my previous post, but also at Mount Loretto.
@xris I like them, too--and they deserve a more attractive name.
Good evening, wildflowerists!
It's been a good week, from a Wildflower Walk in Willowbrook Park with Marielle and Zihao on Saturday to THREE Bald Eagles at Mount Loretto this morning.
Time to commence with the photos.
One of the "weeds" - aka "spontaneous flora" - in my garden are these spiderworts. I like them.
The fluffy white "flowers" are dandelion seedheads. Buttonbush is a large-growing shrub, mostly found in wetlands.
@Iragersh Between #iNaturalist and occasional volunteering at Greenbelt Native Plant Center I've lately considered what "wild" really means.
If a wild plant is moved to preserve it (to move it away from construction, for example), is it still wild? Does it matter where it's moved to? Can a plant (or any organism) be half-wild? Can plants be "feral"? (I've seen that word used--hesitantly--on iNat.)
Two Ladybugs on a Curly Dock leaf... uh, trying to have a private moment before the nature watchers came through.
What's up, dock?
Curly dock, that is. It was growing profusely by the beach at Wolfe's Pond Park and attracting lots of ladybugs.
@Iragersh As a city native I try not to discriminate against cultivated plants (so long as they aren't invasives). A bit of green and some colorful "flowering things" are always welcome.
This #iNaturalist observation is a #PawPaw. The second photo shows its flowers. It predates the community garden that currently surrounds it. It is there wild, though living in a cultivated garden.There are several #pawpaw volunteers springing up all over. They are wild too. Though last week I transplanted 6 so they won't be wild.
I've seen this before--think it's called Button Bush, and for good reason. Those little white blooms would make nice buttons.