Not even a € to arm the European far right who owns NATO.
This strange warmonger people have to go
#stopallwars #warineurope
Not even a € to arm the European far right who owns NATO.
This strange warmonger people have to go
#stopallwars #warineurope
"We have a European ruling class which is haunted by fears that it doesn’t fully understand, and which have their ultimate origin in events it only ever studied superficially at school, if that."
Aurelien has an explainer:
UK's #Labour Keir #Starmer throws starving overseas children under the bus to increase Britain's defence by a miniscule amount after the #BattleForUkraine is over and #WarInEurope stares at Britain from across the channel.
The "deal" to please trump, supports the kremlin's ambitions to destroy the US so moscow has a free hand in reannexing Eastern Europe.
Is this the ultimate betrayal, or is much worse to come?
The kremlin has a friend in 10 Downing Street - #Zheltov
#GeoPol #WarInEurope #Belarus #NATO
...for #Germany's) to hit targets outside of #Ukraine as a pretext, he now has no moved all pawns into place and can wait until his #MAGA (#MoscowAgentGriftingAmerica) is inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2025.
The only hope left for many ist that the #OrangePeril's perilous diet and life style will let him perish before that.
#GeoPol #WarInEurope #Belarus #NATO
#Putler is playing chess with #NATO. Having successfully re-activated his most succesful asset, the #OrangePeril, he's quietly been moving his biggest comparative strength vis-a-vis NATO, #TacticalNuclearWeapons, into strategic positions in his vassal state, #Belarus.
These missiles are now able to hit the #BalticStates, #Poland, as well as #Slovakia.
Using the West's permission (except...
Kleine Morgenübung in Medienkompetenz:
Wo haben Redaktion und PR-Agenturen in diesem Bild #Propaganda versteckt?
Tiny morning exercise in media literacy:
Where did the editors and PR agencies conceal propaganda in this picture?
Just in case you missed this:
regular North Korean official army troups are engaging in war against #Europe. #WarInEurope #UkraineWar
Scary What if there were a world war 3? This mock, documentary series looks at what a near-future war between the United States and members of NATO against Russia and China would look like.
#ww3 #worldwar3 #whatif #warineurope #nuclearwar #alternatehistory
#Nullnummer #Dobrindt #CSU #Ukraine #Putin #Bürgergeld #Kriegsgebiet #Rückkehr #arbeitsloser
Typen wie Dobrindt brauchen dringend von ihrer eigenen Medizin. Würde sich in der ersten Nacht im Keller hockend einnässen, während tapfere Ukrainer oben für die Freiheit Europas bluten.
Russian Ka-29 Helicopter Shot Down by Ukrainian Missile Mounted on Drone Boat
Good pace, 100km done, tent mounted. Have to say mostly very nice paths. And beautiful wetland landscape. Tomorrow then already starting to turn eastwards circeling Kaliningrad, another Green Belt. #VeloBaltica #EuroVelo10 #WarInEurope
Many European nations, as well as USA should be ashamed! Denmark has hardly followed up on their promises. Germany waited and waited, and then sent over defect material!
Several NATO and/or EU countries (Turkey, Slovakia, Hungary) are in Putin's pockets.
USA is as usual "MIA" and leaving the country they support behind.
The United States sold more liquefied natural #gas on the global market than any other country in 2023, surpassing yet another milestone in the nation’s transformation into a #FossilFuel superpower
It's yet another milestone in #America’s emergence as the world’s top petro state
The #WarInEurope has been instrumental in this transformation since #Nordstream was "blown up".... #US #Energy #News
The United States has finalised the approval for a sale to #Poland of 1,798 air-launched missiles across three types. The package is valued at over $3.6 billion
Unlikely #Poland would've purchased them without the #WarInEurope #US #Ukraine #russia #news
@BillySmith @gregggonsalves @cstross
So he was planning on selling us out behind our backs!?
No wonder his #WarInEurope performance has been so shoddy.
Now *that* has annoyed me.
#russia launches new Info-Psych Special Operation (IPSO) called #Perun against #Ukraine
Part of #Perun involves foreign journalists, media persons and #bloggers to justify #russia's aggression and cover the #WarInEurope from positions favorable to the #Kremlin
#StandWithBelarus #News