Every single frame is one little step closer to make #theFisher comicbook happen.
Now does anyone know any publisher that could be interested?
Every single frame is one little step closer to make #theFisher comicbook happen.
Now does anyone know any publisher that could be interested?
Found some time to ink for #theFisher comicbook. Feels good.
Sketched for another page today. Good.
Well yeah, it keeps me busy and #theFisher is going slowly. But finally is, again and that makes me glad.
I think we might have a flu on the board. But I’m not leaving the ship, I’m drawing.
Back to #theFisher #theFisherProject
The story continues as he’s realizing what his path is.
In 2024 I:
- Illustrated Frog Princess and designed a book
- Continued #TheFisher #TheFisherProject
- Made sumi-e calendar
- designed another Christmas card
- took part in painting challenge
- made three portraits plus myself
- drew a lot portrait sketches
See you in 2025!
Here’s #theFisher #theFisherProject update.
It’s been some time since I worked on it but the more pleasure it is now to ink again.
#theFisher #theFisherProject update.
What did he just see? What are the emotions here? Well... I just realized you probably don’t even know a single fact about my protagonist of the story? The time will come.
Long time no update on #theFisher #theFisherProject huh?
Well, it’s because it undeservedly became a side-project. But it’s till live and going, just slowly!
Hey #PortfolioDay I’m Jan,
I illustrate in ink, work on #theFisher comicbook and I like watercolors too.
If you thought #theFisher #theFisherProject had postapocalyptic vibes, well you were right.
Here if you don’t know what I’m talking about:
Meanwhile just letting you know #theFisher project has not been abandoned.
"Mesmerizing Galaxy " Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
I found something more. This is #TheFisherProject #theFisher first tests. It was already sprouting in my mind back in 2020.
#ThrowbackThursday ? Looks like throwback week.
How was my 2023 art-wise:
- Continued #12SymbolicCharacters
- Wrote „Bolko” and made my first ebook
- Started #TheFisher #TheFisherProject and made a Calendar from it
- Illustrated 12 #DelphicMaxims
- Painted 3 portraits + myself
See you in 2024!